Policy Press

Ageing and gerontology

Showing 25-36 of 86 items.

Managing the ageing experience

Learning from older people

This book provides an engaging analysis of how older people manage the ageing experience and gives the reader an insight into what this means for policy and practice.

Policy Press

Baby Boomers

Time and Ageing Bodies

This ground-breaking study of the baby boomer generation reflects the intersection of time, ageing, body and identity to give a nuanced and enlightened understanding of the ageing process.

Policy Press

Population Ageing from a Lifecourse Perspective

Critical and International Approaches

This much-needed volume, part of the Ageing and the Lifecourse series, combines insights from different disciplines and real-life experiences to argue that the lifecourse perspective helps us understand causes and effects of population ageing.

Policy Press

Retiring to Spain

Women's Narratives of Nostalgia, Belonging and Community

The book offers a critical perspective, challenging positivistic, essentialist definitions of lifestyle migration. We follow the journeys of retired working class British women as they seek, recreate and construct community in a new context.

Policy Press

Researching the Lifecourse

Critical Reflections from the Social Sciences

Researching the Lifecourse features methods linking time, space and mobilities and provides practitioners with practical detail in each chapter. It covers the full lifecourse and includes innovative methods and case study examples from different European and North American contexts.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 2

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on four major themes: autonomy and independence in later life, biology and ageing, food and nutrition and representation of old age.

Policy Press

Ageing and diversity

Multiple pathways and cultural migrations

To understand contemporary ageing it is necessary to recognise its diversity. Drawing on an extraordinary range of theory, original research and empirical sources, this book assesses the stereotyped conceptions of ageing, and offers a critical and updated perspective.

Policy Press

International Handbook of Health Literacy

Research, Practice and Policy across the Life-Span

This comprehensive handbook provides an invaluable overview of current international thinking about health literacy, highlighting cutting edge research, policy and practice in the field. Providing a wide range of major findings, the book outlines current discourse in the field and examines necessary future dialogues and new perspectives.

Policy Press

Biographical methods and professional practice

An international perspective

The turn to biographical methods in social science is invigorating the relationship between policy and practice. This book shows how biographical methods can improve theoretical understanding of professional practice, as well as enrich the development of professionals, and promote more meaningful practitioner - service user relationships.

Policy Press

Adult lives

A life course perspective

'Adult Lives' is a diverse collection of readings from all stages of life which aim to understand how those living and working together in an ageing society relate to each other. It uses a holistic approach to understanding ageing in adulthood that is applicable to all, including those developing policy and in practice.

Policy Press