Policy Press

Childhood and youth studies

Showing 109-120 of 154 items.

Teenage pregnancy

The making and unmaking of a problem

This book examines who is likely to have a baby as a teenager, the consequences of early motherhood and how teenage pregnancy is dealt with in the media. The author argues that society's negative attitude to young mothers marginalises an already excluded group and that efforts should be focused on support.

Policy Press

The politics of parental leave policies

Children, parenting, gender and the labour market

The politics of parental leave policies addresses how and why, and by whom, particular policies are created and subsequently developed in particular countries. It examines the factors that bring about variations in leave policy, covering fifteen countries in Europe and beyond.

Policy Press

Children, politics and communication

Participation at the margins

Edited by Nigel Thomas

"Children, politics and communication" questions many of the conventional ways in which children are perceived. It is about how they communicate and engage, how they organise themselves and their lives, and how they deal with conflict in their relationships and the world around them.

Policy Press

Contemporary fathering

Theory, policy and practice

This book explores diversity and complexity in fathering through psychoanalysis, sociology and psychology and analyses contemporary developments in social policies and welfare practices. Using a feminist perspective, it highlights the opportunities and dangers in contemporary developments for those wishing to advance gender equity.


Policy Press

Children caring for parents with HIV and AIDS

Global issues and policy responses

The book makes a significant contribution to the growing research evidence on children and young people with caring responsibilities ('young carers') and the impacts of HIV/AIDS on families globally, focusing on the experiences and perspectives of children that are caring for a parent with HIV in the global North and South.

Policy Press

Children, families and social exclusion

New approaches to prevention

In this book the authors use evidence from the National Evaluation of the Children's Fund to explore the experiences of children and families who are most marginalised. They consider the historical context of approaches to child welfare, and present a new framework for understanding and developing preventative polices and practice.

Policy Press

Youth justice in practice

Making a difference

This book examines youth justice in a UK and international context, highlighting the challenge facing all jurisdictions in balancing welfare and justice. It explores the impact of political ideas and influences on the structural and practical challenges of delivering youth justice.

Policy Press

Prevention and youth crime

Is early intervention working?

The 2008 UK government Youth Crime Action Plan emphasises early intervention in work with young people who offend or considered to be 'at risk' of offending. This approach includes targeted work with families and a reduction in the numbers of young people entering the justice system. This report takes a critical look at early intervention policies.

Policy Press

Children and young people in custody

Managing the risk

Over the last decade, the reformed youth justice system has seen increases in the numbers of children and young people in custody, a sharp rise in indeterminate sentences and the continuing deaths of young prisoners. This report brings together contributions from leading experts to critically examine current policy and practice.

Policy Press

Making sense of Every Child Matters

Multi-professional practice guidance

Edited by Richard Barker

This book considers the implications for practice of the 'Every Child Matters' (ECM) agenda for working with children, analysing the key issues from the perspective of the different professions that make up the 'new children's workforce'.

Policy Press

ASBO nation

The criminalisation of nuisance

Edited by Peter Squires

This collection brings together opinion, commentary, research evidence, professional guidance, debate and critique in order to understand the phenomenon of anti-social behaviour.

Policy Press

Promoting children's wellbeing

Policy and practice

Edited by Janet Collins and Pam Foley

This attractive and accessible textbook analyses and examines the policies, services and practice skills needed for collaborative, effective and equitable work with children.

Policy Press