Policy Press

Education Policy and Politics

Showing 49-51 of 51 items.

Transforming education policy

Shaping a democratic future

This topical book argues that a new paradigm is emerging in education, in relation to the economic crisis. It is part of a more general trend to organisational democracy and the onus for change rests with teachers, heads, parents, community members, educational sponsors and partners.

Policy Press

Who are Universities For?

Re-making Higher Education

Who are universities for? argues for a large-scale shake up of how we organise higher education. It includes radical proposals for reform of the curriculum and how we admit students to higher education. Offering concrete solutions, it provides a way forward for universities to become more responsive to challenges.

Bristol Uni Press

Why's the beer always stronger up North?

Studies of lifelong learning in Europe

Edited by Frank Coffield

This report presents different models of The Learning Society, of lifelong learning and of the learning organisation, through cross-national and 'home international' comparisons. It then explores the limitations and advantages of comparative research. It will be of particular use to researchers planning international, and intra-European studies.

Policy Press