Policy Press

Environment and Sustainability

Showing 37-48 of 102 items.

The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance

Perceptions, Actors, Innovations

Edited by Lena Partzsch

With Agenda 2030, the UN adopted wide-ranging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that integrate development and environmental agendas. This book has a unique focus on the political tensions between environmental and socio-economic objectives and advocates for a cooperative shift towards environmentally sound sustainability.

Bristol Uni Press

A Just Energy Transition

Getting Decarbonisation Right in a Time of Crisis

In this timely book, Ed Atkins asks: are we getting decarbonisation right? And how could it be made better for people and communities? In doing so, this book proposes a different type of energy transition. One that prioritises and takes opportunities to do better – to provide better jobs, community ownership and improve people’s homes and lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Understanding the environment and social policy

Using an international and multi-disciplinary approach, this book provides a timely overview of the current issues in environmentalism and social policy. It explores many current debates, including: cities, housing and transport; citizenship and care; employment and green jobs; environmental governance and legislation; and globalisation.

Policy Press

Towards a New Civic Bureaucracy

Lessons from Sustainable Development for the Crisis of Governance

Matthew Quinn plots a landmark reimagination of governance and public administration, underpinned by sustainable development and civic republicanism.

Policy Press

Planning in a Failing State

Reforming Spatial Governance in England

This topical book offers an analysis of the current state of the planning system in England and an evidence-based review of over a decade of change. With a critique of ongoing UK planning reforms, the book argues that the planning system is often blamed for a range of issues that are in fact the fault of ineffective policymaking.

Policy Press

A Public Sociology of Waste

Critically analysing how waste is currently configured as a ‘household’ issue, this book illuminates the implications of these framings and how public sociology can engage critical publics to reorient waste as a global socio-ethical issue.

Bristol Uni Press

The Self-Build Experience

Institutionalisation, Place-Making and City Building

Spanning multiple countries across South America, Europe and Africa, this book uses an international comparative perspective to investigate the phenomenon of self-building for low- and middle-income groups in urban areas, examining the tensions between regulation and self-regulatory initiatives.

Policy Press

Realism and the Climate Crisis

Hope for Life

Hope must be mixed with realism in our approach to the climate emergency, and in this book philosopher John Foster presents a revolutionary approach to our pressing need for a habitable human future.

Bristol Uni Press

The Waste of the World

Consumption, Economies and the Making of the Global Waste Problem

Examining the root causes of the global waste problem, this book challenges existing policies, highlighting what needs to change if we are to get serious in tackling this global problem. It concludes with policy implications for shifting waste from an ‘end-of-pipe’ concern to being at the heart of the debate over decarbonisation.

Bristol Uni Press

Infrastructuring Urban Futures

The Politics of Remaking Cities

Focusing on material and social forms of infrastructure, this edited collection focuses on cities across the global North and South. Considering public health crises and climate change, the book argues that paying attention to infrastructures’ past, present and future allows us to understand and respond to the current urban condition.

Bristol Uni Press

Reproduction, Kin and Climate Crisis

Making Bushfire Babies

Exploring the impact of climate change and the pandemic on people’s decisions to form families and their experience of having children, this book makes a valuable contribution to debates on contemporary planetary crises.

Bristol Uni Press

Contesting Aviation Expansion

Depoliticisation, Technologies of Government and Post-Aviation Futures

This book analyses the strategies used by public authorities to expand the UK aviation industry in relation to growing political opposition and the negative impacts on local communities and climate change. The authors promote a radical rethinking of our attitudes to flying, laying the ground for a more sustainable future.

Policy Press