Policy Press

Environmental Policy

Showing 13-22 of 22 items.

Post-Carbon Inclusion

Transitions Built on Justice

This collection pays unique attention to the problems of addressing inequality within decarbonisation, such as high consumption, degrowth approaches and perverse outcomes. Illustrated with case studies from the city to the household, this timely book looks at ways to quicken the transition from high carbon inequalities to post-carbon inclusion.

Bristol Uni Press

Understanding the environment and social policy

Using an international and multi-disciplinary approach, this book provides a timely overview of the current issues in environmentalism and social policy. It explores many current debates, including: cities, housing and transport; citizenship and care; employment and green jobs; environmental governance and legislation; and globalisation.

Policy Press

A Just Energy Transition

Getting Decarbonisation Right in a Time of Crisis

In this timely book, Ed Atkins asks: are we getting decarbonisation right? And how could it be made better for people and communities? In doing so, this book proposes a different type of energy transition. One that prioritises and takes opportunities to do better – to provide better jobs, community ownership and improve people’s homes and lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Realism and the Climate Crisis

Hope for Life

Hope must be mixed with realism in our approach to the climate emergency, and in this book philosopher John Foster presents a revolutionary approach to our pressing need for a habitable human future.

Bristol Uni Press

The Transport Debate

This book is a highly readable introduction to the transport debate from two experts in the field. The book follows members of the Smith family as they uncover a wide array of transport issues. This lively and engaging approach will make the book ideal for a wide readership.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Environmental Policy

An essential introduction for all those interested in how policies can address environmental problems, bringing together economic, sociological and social policy perspectives.

Policy Press

The Biosphere and Human Society

Understanding Systems, Law, and Population Growth

Human population growth is a serious biospheric problem, yet is largely overlooked. This book fills this gap with a concise review of world population growth, including the impact of over-population on the biosphere and government interventions addressing the frequency of childbearing and immigration.

Bristol Uni Press

Too Hot to Handle?

The Democratic Challenge of Climate Change

This book explores why climate is such a challenge for political systems, even when policy solutions exist. It argues that more democracy, not less, is needed to tackle the climate crisis, and suggests practical ways forward.

Bristol Uni Press

A Climate Pact for Europe

How to Finance the Green Deal

The COVID-19 pandemic gives an opportunity to relaunch global economic systems. A bestseller in France, this book offers a Climate Pact for the EU, providing the causes, solutions and financial options of climate deregulation and challenging current policy and practice.

Bristol Uni Press

Arctic Justice

Environment, Society and Governance

Offering a unique introduction to the study of justice in the European, North American and Russian Arctic, this collection highlights the practical consequences of postcolonial legacies and climate change while championing a sustainable future for Arctic development and governance.

Bristol Uni Press