Policy Press

Health and social care

Showing 1-12 of 99 items.

Living on equal terms

Supporting people with aquired brain injury in their own homes

Connections provides flexible support to enable people with acquired brain injury to live in ordinary housing and to develop community links. This evaluation of the Connections service establishes whether or not the model satisfactorily supported people to live in the community and explores its usefulness for replication by other agencies.

Policy Press

From Poor Law to community care

The development of welfare services for elderly people 1939-1971

Based on extensive research on primary sources and interviews, this book explores the changing perceptions of the needs of elderly people. It considers the extent to which they have been a priority for resources and looks at the possibilities of policy that combines respect for elderly people with an avoidance of the exploitation of relatives.

Policy Press

Unequal partners

User groups and community care

Users of social and health care services play an increasingly significant part within systems of local governance. This report examines the strategies user groups adopt to seek their objectives, and explores issues relating to notions of consumerism and citizenship. It should be read by anyone involved in health and social care policy and practice.

Policy Press

On the edge

Minority ethnic families caring for a severely disabled child

This report presents the findings of the first ever national survey in the UK, in which nearly 600 parents took part and which looked at the needs and circumstances of minority ethnic families caring for a severely disabled child. The quantitative survey was then compared with data on the circumstances and experiences of white families.

Policy Press

Home Sweet Home?

The impact of poor housing on health

This report looks in detail at the impact poor housing has on health, using data from the National Child Development Study. It provides important information to inform the current debate on Our Healthier Nation and to strengthen arguments for health, housing and social care agencies to work together.

Policy Press

Inequalities in health

The evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health, chaired by Sir Donald Acheson

This book presents all seventeen chapters of evidence commissioned by the Acheson Inquiry to inform its work. It complements both the Acheson Inquiry report published by The Stationary Office and The widening gap (The Policy Press, 1999), which provides a broad overview and systematic interpretation of the Inequalities in Health debate.

Policy Press

The widening gap

Health inequalities and policy in Britain

This report presents critical new evidence on the size of the widening health gap. New geographical data are presented and displayed in striking graphical form. The widening gap should be read alongside Inequalities in health: The evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health (The Policy Press, 1999).

Policy Press

Stronger links

A guide to good practice for children's family-based short-term care services

This new and updated edition will be welcomed at a time of significant change within social services. It offers a legislative framework for each area in practice, in addition to practical guidelines for implementing this legislation. Case studies and material used by existing schemes are included.

Policy Press

Developing reflective practice

Making sense of social work in a world of change

Edited by Helen Martyn

This book is an invaluable resource, employing a 'bottom-up' approach to learning. It presents vivid examples of social work practice with children and families and real life illustrations of the challenges facing practitioners. With analysis of each section, it provides essential guidance for students and sets standards for training and practice.

Policy Press

Chinese older people

A need for social inclusion in two communities

Chinese older people living in the UK suffer from a number of disadvantages compounded by exclusion from both their own community and the mainstream community. Through interviews with 100 Chinese older people, this unique report provides suggestions for good policy and practice for promoting Chinese older people's inclusion in both communities.

Policy Press

Tackling institutional racism

Anti-racist policies and social work education and training

This challenging book analyses the development of anti-racist social work education and training. It critically assesses the concept of 'race', offers an historical exploration of the role of social work and provides an assessment of the backlash against the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work's anti-racist developments.

Policy Press

Domestic violence and health

The response of the medical profession

This book examines the relationship between health and domestic violence. In a qualitative study of the attitudes of health professionals and the women with whom they come into contact, it gives voice to a range of issues which urgently need to be addressed providing guidance for training and practice, as well as recommendations for policy makers.

Policy Press