Policy Press

Human Geography

Showing 13-24 of 214 items.

Midlife Geographies

Changing Lifecourses across Generations, Spaces and Time

As the ‘sandwich’ generation, people in midlife often have significant work and caring responsibilities, yet they are the subject of relatively little research. This short, accessible book redresses the balance in offering a geographical approach to how people claim space in midlife while analysing the influences of gender, class and location.

Bristol Uni Press

The Future for Planners

Commercialisation, Professionalism and the Public Interest in the UK

Spatial planning is at a crossroads, with nearly half of UK planners now employed in the private sector. This book reveals what it’s like to be a UK planner in the early 21st century and how the profession can fulfil its potential for the benefit of society and the environment.

Policy Press

Radical Food Geographies

Power, Knowledge and Resistance

This collection presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems challenges across places, spaces, and scales. With global case studies, it explores the interconnections between the social and ecological dynamics of food systems, exploring efforts to co-construct more equitable and sustainable food systems for all.

Bristol Uni Press

Researching Justice

Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research

Understanding justice, for many, begins with questions of injustice. Giving insights into real life research practices for scholars at all levels, this book aids our understanding of how to employ and live justice through our work and daily lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Gendering Place and Affect

Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

This book uses affect theory to explore how placed surroundings shape experiences of gender. Drawing on debates in sociology, geography and organization studies, it examines what it means to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of place and analyses how gender shapes meanings, attachments and identities relating to place.

Bristol Uni Press

Providing Public Space in a Contemporary Metropolis

Dilemmas and Lessons from London and Hong Kong

Contrasting London with Hong Kong, this book tells the story of the two cities’ public and private sector forms of public space governance. The authors consider the challenges and impacts that different forms of provision have on those with a stake in them, and on the cities as a whole.

Policy Press

Urban Informality

An Introduction

This book provides an introductory overview to the concept of ‘urban informality’, taking an international perspective across the global North and South. It explores theoretical understandings of the term, and looks at how it affects ways of living, such as land use, housing and basic services, working lives and political informality.

Bristol Uni Press

White Supremacy and Racism in Progressive America

Race, Place, and Space

This book explores the connections between race, place and space, and their role in maintaining racial hierarchies. Focusing on White residents in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, it employs interviews, participant observation and content analysis to unveil the enduring racial inequality in this supposedly progressive area.

Bristol Uni Press

Developing a Critical Pedagogy of Migration Studies

Ethics, Politics and Practice in the Classroom

Complete with pedagogical features that provide space for reflection and discussion, this book invites readers to examine their own relationships with migration, ethics, politics and power, encouraging teachers, students and practitioners to think critically about their position in relation to the knowledge they both bring and gain.

Bristol Uni Press

Organizing Food, Faith and Freedom

Imagining Alternatives

Based on an autoethnographic study about a free food store in Aotearoa New Zealand, this book examines how alternative economies and relations emerge from community solutions, and how these could be used to think, act and organize differently against capitalist dynamics.

Bristol Uni Press

Remaking Money for a Sustainable Future

Money Commons

Engaging imaginatively with the future of money, this book examines the real-life efforts of grassroots movements and activists from across the world who are reclaiming power by designing, organising and implementing complementary currencies. It will be of interest to all who are interested in constructing a more sustainable and just world.

Bristol Uni Press

Slow Planning?

Timescapes, Power and Democracy

A deep exploration on how questions of time and its organisation affect planning practice, this book questions ‘project speed’: where time to think, deliberate and plan has been squeezed. The authors demonstrate the many benefits of slow planning for the key participants, multiple interests and planning system overall.

Policy Press