Policy Press


Showing 85-96 of 1,165 items.

101 Reasons for a Citizen's Income

Arguments for Giving Everyone Some Money

For anyone new to the subject of Citizen’s Income, or who wants to introduce friends, colleagues or relatives to the idea, this valuable guide will be essential reading, offering a convincing case for a Citizen’s Income and a much needed resource for all interested in the future of welfare in the UK.

Policy Press

The Right to Buy?

Selling off public and social housing

In The Right to Buy, Alan Murie provides an authoritative account of the origins, development and impact of the policy across the UK and proposals for its extension in England (and decisions to end it in Scotland and Wales).

Policy Press

Advising in Austerity

Reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies

Edited by Samuel Kirwan

Advising in austerity provides a lively and thought-provoking account of the conditions, consequences and challenges of advice work in the UK. It examines how advisors negotiate the private troubles of those who come to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and construct ways forward.

Policy Press


Why Social Inequality Still Persists

We are living in the most remarkable and dangerous times. Globally, the richest 1% have never held a greater share of world wealth, while the share of most of the other 99% has collapsed in the last five years. In this fully rewritten and updated edition of Injustice, Dorling offers hope of a more equal society.

Policy Press

Agenda for Social Justice

Solutions for 2016

The Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2016 provides accessible insights into some of the most pressing social problems in the United States and proposes public policy responses to those problems. It offers recommendations for action around key issues for social justice.

Policy Press

Radical Solutions to the Housing Supply Crisis

This book analyses the roots of the current housing crisis in England, critically reviewing the development of policy under successive UK Governments and presenting a specific critique of the current Conservative Government’s housing and planning reforms.

Policy Press

The Death of the Left

Why We Must Begin from the Beginning Again

Winlow and Hall argue that the only way to resurrect leftist politics is to begin from the beginning again. They identify the root causes of its maladies, describe how new cultural obsessions displaced core unifying principles, and outline how a new reincarnation of the left can win in the 21st century.

Policy Press

Our stories, our lives

Inspiring Muslim women's voices

Edited by Wahida Shaffi

This book presents the stories of 20 women from Bradford between the ages of 14 and 80. It offers an intricate mosaic of the experiences, views and hopes of these women and in so doing emphasises the power of people's lives to aid deeper debate and understanding and gives voice to an important and often marginalised group.

Policy Press

The Shame Game

Overturning the Toxic Poverty Narrative

Drawing on a two-year multi-platform initiative, this book by award-winning journalist and author Mary O’Hara, asks how we can overturn the portrayal of poverty once and for all. Crucially, she turns to the real experts to try to find answers – the people who live it.

Policy Press

Romani Communities and Transformative Change

A New Social Europe

Drawing on Roma community voices and expert research, this book challenges conventional discourses on Romani identity, poverty and exclusion. Through the transformative vehicle of a ‘Social Europe’, it presents new strategies for framing social justice for Romani communities across Europe and provides innovative solutions to these dilemmas.

Policy Press


Recognising Harms, Reforming Laws

Cyberflashing has been on the rise since the Covid-19 pandemic. This book provides new analysis into the harms of cyberflashing. This timely and unique study considers recent laws in several countries and sets out proposals to criminalise cyberflashing in English law.

Bristol Uni Press