Policy Press

Social groups

Showing 1-12 of 551 items.

Single Mothers and the Welfare Trap

Work, Care and Civil Society

Drawing on interviews with welfare-reliant single mothers living in the South Wales Valleys, this original book charts their interactions with the labour market and welfare state. It challenges current understandings of welfare eligibility and dependency and provides valuable new policy insights for welfare reform.

Policy Press

Qualitative Fieldwork with Children

Context and Participation in Child Well-Being Research across Nations

Drawing on the multinational qualitative study ‘Children’s Understandings of Well-being’ (CUWB), this book offers practical insights into conducting fieldwork across diverse contexts. Featuring experts from 13 countries, the book provides valuable perspectives for researchers across a wide range of academic settings.

Bristol Uni Press

Liquid Racism

Brexit, Education and Road Culture

This innovative book takes Bauman’s notions of ‘liquid modernity’ one step further to develop a theory of ‘liquid racism’. The authors show that while post-race theory argues that society is moving beyond racism, in reality, historical manifestations of racism continue. Except, society is now faced with a racism whose structures have changed .

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Work

Improving the Lives of Young People and Communities

Policy Press

Advancing Health Rights Through Community Development and Participatory Praxis

In our post-pandemic world, the international community and national governments are searching for new solutions to build healthy and resilient societies. This timely book focuses on community participation in building healthier populations, with practical examples from the Global North and South.

Policy Press

Stinking Rich

The Four Myths of the Good Billionaire

Bristol Uni Press

The Development of Child Protection Systems and Practice in Low to Middle Income Countries

A first of its kind, this book explores child protection systems in non-Western, low- and middle-income countries, offering a descriptive, yet analytical, account of the development and current stage of practice in twelve different countries.

Policy Press

Menstrual Myth Busting

The Case of the Hormonal Female

Despite being a widely recognised phenomenon, PMS remains difficult to define clinically, with no universally agreed diagnostic criteria or shortlist of deterministic symptoms. This book aims to accurately define and explain cyclical experiences and debunk the myth of the hysterical female, once and for all.

Policy Press

Police Diversity

Beyond the Blue

Providing a unique ‘insider’ perspective on police diversity, this book reveals the current tensions between the police and diverse populations in the UK and US. It demonstrates the obstacles to progress, revealing how championing diversity as part of police reform efforts can positively impact the lives of policed communities.

Policy Press

Multi-Species Dementia Studies

Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach

This edited book explores multi-species approaches to dementia care. Drawing on work linking social and veterinary sciences, it offers readers the tools to respond to dementia in a multi-species way. Contributors examine diverse settings, from labs to living rooms, emphasizing the possibilities of a 'more-than-human' perspective.

Policy Press

Rural Criminology in Global Perspective

State of the Art on the World's Continents

This edited collection crosses international boundaries to highlight rural criminological issues, offering research on rural crime, justice and security from the seven continents with a macroscopic perspective on issues of international concern.

Bristol Uni Press