Policy Press

Social groups

Showing 1-12 of 551 items.

The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families

Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Wellbeing

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book presents evidence from over 40 countries that shows how single parents face a triple bind of inadequate resources, employment and policies, which in combination further complicate their lives.

Policy Press

Change and Continuity in Children's Services

This collection of 12 new and revised essays on child care and children’s services gives a unique and lasting review of child care services explaining significant political, economic, legal and ideological aspects of this history from the mid-1850s.

Policy Press

Ageing through Austerity

Critical Perspectives from Ireland

A carefully crafted study of ageing in Ireland, one of the countries hardest hit by the Eurozone financial crisis, presenting a critical analysis of ageing and social policy in a country under tight austerity measures.

Policy Press

The New Science of Ageing

Edited by Alan Walker

This unique book represents the first multi-disciplinary examination of ageing, from basic cell biology to social participation in later life, drawing on the pioneering New Dynamics of Ageing Programme, the UK’s largest research programme in ageing.

Policy Press

Young People Leaving State Care in China

Through the perspectives of young people themselves, this book reviews changes in policy and practices that affected the generation of young people who grew up in state care in China during the last 20 years.

Policy Press

Queering Science Communication

Representations, Theory, and Practice

Written by leading experts, this collection examines representations of queerness in popular science and media, asks what it means for the field to ‘queer’ science communication theories and research agendas and offers practical examples and case studies for fostering radical inclusivity and equity in the science communication field.

Bristol Uni Press

The Encyclopedia of Rural Crime

The key reference guide to rural crime and rural justice, this encyclopedia gives 70 concise and informative synopses of the key issues in rural crime, criminology, offending and victimisation, and both institutional and informal responses to rural crime.

Bristol Uni Press

Religion and Welfare in Europe

Gendered and Minority Perspectives

Compares regional conceptions and variations of welfare in relation to national religious traditions across key parts of Europe. Using comparative case studies, the book examines the transition from research to practical policy recommendations, highlighting the similarities and differences between selected European countries.

Policy Press

Global Youth Migration and Gendered Modalities

Youth migration is a global phenomenon, and it is gendered. This collection presents original studies on gender and youth migration from the 19th century onwards, from international and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Policy Press

Interpreting Religion

Making Sense of Religious Lives

This collection brings together a diverse range of interpretivist perspectives to find fresh takes on the meanings of religion. Cutting across paradigms and traditions, experts from the UK, US, and India apply different approaches to engagement with beliefs and themes, including identity, ritual, and emotion.

Bristol Uni Press

The Disney Princess Phenomenon

A Feminist Analysis

Robyn Muir provides an examination of the worldwide Disney Princess commercial and cultural phenomenon in its key representations: films, merchandising and marketing, and park experiences. The book provides a lens through which to view and understand how this franchise has contributed to the depiction of femininity within popular culture.

Bristol Uni Press