Policy Press

Social groups

Showing 109-120 of 553 items.

Children's Agency, Children's Welfare

A Dialogical Approach to Child Development, Policy and Practice

Combining social, psychological and child development aspects, this book provides a holistic view of how children develop agency.

Policy Press

Child slavery now

A contemporary reader

Edited by Gary Craig

Around 210 million children are still in slavery today. This groundbreaking book shows why they remain locked in slavery, the ways in which they are exploited and how they can be emancipated. It also reminds us that all consumers are implicated in modern childhood slavery.

Policy Press

Family policy paradoxes

Gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010

This book looks at political attempts to create a 'modern family' and the aspiration to regulate the family and establish gender equality, examining the regulation of the family in Sweden between 1930 and today.

Policy Press

Ethnicity, class and aspiration

Understanding London's new East End

An analysis of the aspirations of different groups living in East London and the strategies they have used to improve their status.

Policy Press

Child poverty, evidence and policy

Mainstreaming children in international development

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book is about the ideas, networks and institutions that shape the development of evidence about child poverty and wellbeing, and the use of such evidence in development policy debates.

Policy Press

The dispersal and social exclusion of asylum seekers

Between liminality and belonging

Establishing asylum seekers in the UK as a socially excluded group, this book provides readers with an understanding of how they experience the dispersal system and gives an insight into how this impacts on their lives.

Policy Press

Parental rights and responsibilities

Analysing social policy and lived experiences

Child welfare, state welfare and parenting issues are high on the UK policy agenda; this timely book examines recent policy developments, parental perspectives about parenting and child-rearing and parental rights to 'welfare state support'.

Policy Press

Violent fathering and the risks to children

The need for change

This book examines fathers' perceptions of their domestic violence and its impact on children, their relationships with children and their parenting practices. It is the first UK book to specifically focus on violent fathering, discussing original research in the context of domestic violence and emerging practice literature to address this problem.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Gender

This accessible guide provides readers with an introduction to the key concepts and main developments in gender studies. Highlighting the importance of gender in the contemporary world, it is an ideal overview for students and professionals alike.

Policy Press

Making modern mothers

An exciting and timely book documenting the transition to motherhood over generations and time.

Policy Press

Unmasking age

The significance of age for social research

'Unmasking Age' critically examines various methods and discusses ways of uncovering the realities of age.

Policy Press

Belief and ageing

Spiritual pathways in later life

This book illustrates the variety of religious, spiritual and other beliefs held by older people, including British Christians, Muslims, Humanists and witnesses of the Soviet persecution of religion.

Policy Press