Policy Press

Social welfare & social services

Showing 13-24 of 769 items.

Care Technologies for Ageing Societies

An International Comparison

Exploring the role of technology in Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, this book compares the ways in which technology is being implemented in different national contexts to contribute effectively to the sustainability of care systems.

Policy Press

What Works in Improving Gender Equality

International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book provides an accessible analysis of what gender equality means and how we can achieve it by adapting best practices in childcare and long term care policies from other countries.

Policy Press

Socially Distanced Activism

Voices of Lived Experience of Poverty During COVID-19

Drawing on case studies from APLE Collective groups, this book interrogates the term ‘lived experience’. It critically investigates how knowledge gained from lived experiences of poverty is integral to developing effective COVID-19 policies.

Policy Press

Social Work and the COVID-19 Pandemic

International Insights

This book provides an urgent critical exploration of how Social Work can and should respond to the COVID-19 crisis. It examines the ways that social work has responded in different nations across the Global North and Global South.

Policy Press

A Watershed Moment for Social Policy and Human Rights?

Where Next for the UK Post-COVID

This book demonstrates that an alternative approach to social policy, based on human rights and social justice, is necessary to tackle the existing systemic inequalities brought to the foreground by COVID-19.

Policy Press

The Challenge of Controlling COVID-19

Public Health and Social Care Policy in England During the First Wave

This book analyses the political and long-term systemic factors associated with the failures to control COVID-19 in England. Exploring the role of key policy actors, it focuses on two policy failings during the first wave: the establishment of a ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’ system and responses to the high death rate in care homes for older people.

Policy Press

What Is Counterterrorism For?

Focusing on the costs of counterterrorism, this book takes a global view to understand what is done in the name of our safety.

Bristol Uni Press

What Is Philanthropy For?

Philanthropy, the use of private assets for public good, has been much criticized in recent years. Rhodri Davies, drawing on his deep knowledge of the past and present landscape of philanthropy, examines pressing questions that philanthropy must tackle if it is to be equal to the challenges of the 21st century.

Bristol Uni Press

Life in the Debt Trap

Stories of Children and Families Struggling with Debt

The first hand stories in this book, collected through The Children's Society's campaign The Debt Trap, offer a unique understanding of life for families and children fighting a daily battle against poverty and debt.

Policy Press

Hidden Stories of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry

Personal Reflections

This unique book provides an insider's view of the seminal inquiry into Stephen Lawrence's murder. This accessible and engaging book includes analysis of hitherto inaccessible transcripts which show how the Inquiry was undermined to the point of failure to produce the desired results.

Policy Press

Regulating Police Detention

Voices from behind Closed Doors

Custody visitors are volunteers who make unannounced visits to police custody blocks to check on the welfare of detainees. However, there is a fundamental power imbalance between the police and these visitors. This timely book offers detailed proposals for radically reforming custody visiting to make it an effective regulator of police behaviour.

Policy Press

A Sharing Economy

How Social Wealth Funds Can Reduce Inequality and Help Balance the Books

A Sharing Economy proposes radical new ways to close the UK’s growing income gap and spread social opportunities. A new social wealth fund would boost economic and social investment and simultaneously strengthen the public finances and offer a powerful antidote to austerity.

Policy Press