Policy Press

Welfare & benefit systems

Showing 37-48 of 214 items.

Children, families and social exclusion

New approaches to prevention

In this book the authors use evidence from the National Evaluation of the Children's Fund to explore the experiences of children and families who are most marginalised. They consider the historical context of approaches to child welfare, and present a new framework for understanding and developing preventative polices and practice.

Policy Press

Children, family and the state

Decision-making and child participation

Children, family and the state examines different theories of childhood, children's rights and the relationship between children, parents and the state.

Policy Press

Children, politics and communication

Participation at the margins

Edited by Nigel Thomas

"Children, politics and communication" questions many of the conventional ways in which children are perceived. It is about how they communicate and engage, how they organise themselves and their lives, and how they deal with conflict in their relationships and the world around them.

Policy Press

Children, Risk and Safety on the Internet

Research and Policy Challenges in Comparative Perspective

Based on an impressive in-depth survey of 25,000 children carried out by the EU Kids Online network, this timely book examines the prospect for young internet users of enhanced opportunities for learning, creativity and communication set against the fear of cyberbullying, pornography and invaded privacy.

Policy Press

Children, young people and social inclusion

Participation for what?

Social inclusion and participation have become policy mantras in the UK and Europe. As these concepts are being translated into policies and practice, it is a critical time to examine their interpretation, implementation and impacts. This book asks how far and in what way social inclusion policies are meeting the needs of children and young people.

Policy Press

Children's Agency, Children's Welfare

A Dialogical Approach to Child Development, Policy and Practice

Combining social, psychological and child development aspects, this book provides a holistic view of how children develop agency.

Policy Press

Children's Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Schools

A Critical Perspective

This book is a challenge to the concept of wellbeing as applied to children, suggesting that it should be understood at the level of the child, rather than a list of things that are needed in order to live well.

Policy Press

Children’s Charities in Crisis

Early Intervention and the State

A decade of sustained change in policy and funding has altered the landscape of children’s early intervention services and changed the role of charities in it. This study reviews the new interplay between public and third sector providers, considering future roles, opportunities and challenges for practitioners, policy makers and volunteers alike.

Policy Press

Children’s Work in African Agriculture

The Harmful and the Harmless

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book reframes the debate about children’s work and harm in rural Africa with the aim of shifting research, public discourse and policy so that they better serve the interest of rural children and their families.

Bristol Uni Press

Clear Blue Water?

The Conservative Party and the Welfare State since 1940

Written for a broad readership, the book takes an authoritative look at Conservative party policy and practice in the modern era. Its time-defined content and broad historical thread make it a valuable resource for academics and students in social policy and politics as well as social history.

Policy Press

The Coalition Government and Social Policy

Restructuring the Welfare State

A wide-range of experts respond to the political and social policy changes made under the UK coalition government (2010-15) and provide a critical assessment of how their policies affected the British welfare state.

Policy Press

Combining self-employment and family life

Despite the increasing policy interest in work-life balance issues, relatively little research has been carried out into the links between self-employment and family life. This report considers, for the first time, the extent to which new family-friendly initiatives and legislation provide adequate support for self-employed parents.

Policy Press