Policy Press

Political structure & processes

Showing 85-96 of 103 items.

Making Sense of Brexit

Democracy, Europe and Uncertain Futures

What can we learn about our society and the need to listen to each other in order to make sense of Brexit within a wider world? This accessible book addresses the causes and implications of Brexit, exploring the anger against political elites as people felt estranged from a political process that no longer expressed their will.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Town and Country Planning

This fully updated short guide discusses the planning system, processes, legal constructs and approaches, taking into account the recent regulatory changes within the UK nations. It explores the interactions of government and society with the planning system, encouraging the reader to adopt a reflective and inquisitive outlook.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Social Policy

This fully updated edition of an essential introductory text offers a concise guide to the key structures and concepts in social policy and is designed to work in partnership with unique, innovative digital content that adds depth and provides a truly integrated way of learning.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Urban Policy

This text makes sense of the multiple ways in which urban issues and problems have been addressed in different places at different times. From initiatives that focus on social tensions within the urban realm, to those which seek to develop cities as economic entities, it provides an accessible discussion and critique of some key approaches.

Policy Press

Escaping Dystopia

Rebuilding a Public Domain

Overcoming crises and forging alternatives is the most pressing issue of our times. In this book, Stephen McBride explores the multiple crises defining neoliberalism, identifying the linkages between them, and argues for radical solutions to revive our increasingly dystopian political and economic world.

Bristol Uni Press

Unchecked Power?

How Recent Constitutional Reforms Are Threatening UK Democracy

Alison Young provides the first consolidated account of constitutional changes taking place which strengthen governmental powers and weaken political and legal checks, arguing that the democracy is being endangered.

Bristol Uni Press

The New Working Class

How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes

Who is working class today and how do political parties gain their support? This insightful book proposes what needs to be done to address the issues of the 'new working class'. It provides practical recommendations for political parties to reconnect with the electorate and regain trust.

Policy Press

Squaring the Circle on Brexit

Could the Norway Model Work?

Two preeminent Norwegian scholars of politics and law offer a comprehensive first-hand account of Norway’s relationship with the EU and how this affects the country’s legal and political system, setting out what Britain can learn from Norway’s experience and how transferable these lessons are.

Bristol Uni Press

The Unlikely Candidate

What Losing an Election Taught Me about How to Change Politics

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping our politics, economy and society, providing a chance to reset and redesign politics. Ali Milani brings a unique perspective to the key political issues we're facing and inspires a new generation of political leaders from the disenfranchised, disillusioned and marginalised in society.

Policy Press

The Rules of Democracy

Democracy is the most effective way to give us control over the decisions that impact on our lives, but it must evolve. This book lays out a roadmap for a more accountable democracy, locally, nationally and internationally that will give us greater influence over the decisions that impact our communities.

Policy Press

Back to the Future of Socialism

Anthony Crosland’s The Future of Socialism (1956) provided a creed for governments of the centre left. Now Peter Hain revisits this classic text and presents a stimulating political prospectus for today. It should be read by everyone interested in the future of the left.

Policy Press

How to Build Houses and Save the Countryside

Focusing on house building and conservation politics in England, Spiers uses his considerable experience and extensive research to demonstrate why the current model doesn’t work, and why there needs to be both planning reform and a more active role for the state, including local government.

Policy Press