Policy Press


Showing 85-96 of 128 items.

Responsibility Beyond Growth

A Case for Responsible Stagnation

Critically assessing growth-based models of innovation policy, this book sparks new debate on the role of responsible innovation.

Drawing on insights from economics, politics, and science and technology studies, it proposes the concept of 'responsible stagnation' as an expansion of present discussions about growth, responsibility and innovation.

Bristol Uni Press

Rethinking Britain

Policy Ideas for the Many

Rethinking Britain presents a range of ideas from some of the country’s most influential thinkers, offering solutions which, if implemented, would lead to a fairer society. This book is an essential aid for citizens who are interested in critiquing inequalities while looking to build a better future.

Policy Press

Rethinking Financial Behaviour

Rationality and Resistance in the Financialization of Everyday Life

UK and US pension policy expects consistently informed decision-making in finance. Deviating from this is often deemed “irrational”, ignoring uncontrollable factors in individuals’ lives.

Challenging existing policy approaches, this book proposes a fresh perspective on rationality when it comes to financial policy and practices.

Bristol Uni Press

Rethinking Urbanism

Lessons from Postcolonialism and the Global South

This book provides new insights into popular understandings of urbanism that emanate from European and North American cities. Myers uses a wide range of case studies from lesser studied cities across the Global South and Global North to present evidence for the need to reconstruct our understanding of ‘good’ urban environments.

Bristol Uni Press

Rethinking Value Chains

Tackling the Challenges of Global Capitalism

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This original volume brings together academics and activists from Europe to think creatively about the social and environmental imbalances of global production and how to reform the current economic system.

Policy Press

Ricardo’s Dream

How Economists Forgot the Real World and Led Us Astray

Ricardo’s Dream tells the fascinating story of David Ricardo, Adam Smith’s only real rival as the ‘founder of economics’: who introduced the study of abstract models to economics. He also developed the theory of trade that underpinned globalization and hides a history of power, empire and slavery.

Bristol Uni Press

The Richer, The Poorer

How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. A 200-Year History

This landmark book charts the rollercoaster history of both rich and poor, and the mechanisms that link them. Stewart Lansley examines the ideological rifts that have driven society back to the divisions of the past and asks why rich and poor citizens are still judged by very different standards.

Policy Press

Robots and Immigrants

Who Is Stealing Jobs?

This book scrutinises the narratives created around stealing jobs, opening new debates on the role of automation and migration policies. The authors reveal how the advances in AI and demands for constant flow of immigrant workers eradicate political and working rights, propagating fears over job theft and ownership.

Bristol Uni Press

The Shame Game

Overturning the Toxic Poverty Narrative

Drawing on a two-year multi-platform initiative, this book by award-winning journalist and author Mary O’Hara, asks how we can overturn the portrayal of poverty once and for all. Crucially, she turns to the real experts to try to find answers – the people who live it.

Policy Press

A Sharing Economy

How Social Wealth Funds Can Reduce Inequality and Help Balance the Books

A Sharing Economy proposes radical new ways to close the UK’s growing income gap and spread social opportunities. A new social wealth fund would boost economic and social investment and simultaneously strengthen the public finances and offer a powerful antidote to austerity.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Health and Social Care

This clear and succinct text offers a valuable introductory guide to health and social care, helping people who want to study or work in the field understand why these services matter, how they have developed and how they work.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to International Development

By providing a succinct evaluation of competing approaches to, and perspectives on, the idea and practice of international development, this book offers students across the social sciences a distinct and invaluable introduction to the field.

Policy Press