Policy Press

POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development

Showing 97-108 of 116 items.

The Short Guide to Town and Country Planning 2e

This fully updated short guide discusses the planning system, processes, legal constructs and approaches, taking into account the recent regulatory changes within the UK nations. It explores the interactions of government and society with the planning system, encouraging the reader to adopt a reflective and inquisitive outlook.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Urban Policy

This text makes sense of the multiple ways in which urban issues and problems have been addressed in different places at different times. From initiatives that focus on social tensions within the urban realm, to those which seek to develop cities as economic entities, it provides an accessible discussion and critique of some key approaches.

Policy Press

Slow Planning?

Timescapes, Power and Democracy

A deep exploration on how questions of time and its organisation affect planning practice, this book questions ‘project speed’: where time to think, deliberate and plan has been squeezed. The authors demonstrate the many benefits of slow planning for the key participants, multiple interests and planning system overall.

Policy Press

Social alarms to telecare

Older people's services in transition

Social policy agendas have generally failed to take account of the actual or potential role played by social alarms and telecare.

This book draws on research and practice throughout the developed world. It documents the emergence of these important technologies and considers their potential in healthcare, social welfare and housing.

Policy Press

Social Housing, Wellbeing and Welfare

Bridging housing studies and social policy, this book analyses competing interpretations of the role and value of social housing in the UK.

The author provides new research on the relationship between housing and wellbeing, and challenges the pervasive policy and social consensus that owner-occupation is the ‘natural’ choice of aspiring people.

Policy Press

Social market or safety net?

British social rented housing in a European context

Social rented housing in Britain is undergoing radical reform - often inspired by European experiences. This timely report provides a comparative analysis of the social rented sector in seven European countries. Combined with analysis of labour market and social security systems, it challenges the assumptions behind the British reform agenda.

Policy Press

Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disasters

International and Comparative Perspectives

International contributors from academia, research, policy and practice use their experience and knowledge to explore on-going efforts to improve spatial resilience across the globe and predict future trends.

Policy Press

Substance Not Spin

An Insider's View of Success and Failure in Government

Based on his personal experience at the heart of government and the voluntary sector, Nick Raynsford, a former MP, Minister and campaigner, explores making and implementing policy and legislation. He gives an ‘insider’s view’ on a range of events, some not previously made public, making a fascinating bridge across the policy and practice divide.

Policy Press

Sustainable by 2020?

A strategic approach to urban regeneration for Britain's cities

The report presents the conclusions of a major research programme on strategic, city-wide urban regeneration. Building on case studies in Birmingham, Glasgow and Edinburgh, it proposes an agenda of organisational innovation for the 21st century. Innovations include a long-term process of neighbourhood visioning as a right of all citizens.

Policy Press

Transforming Glasgow

Beyond the Post-Industrial City

Using a wide-range of interdisciplinary perspectives which examine the diverse issues of urban policy, regeneration and economic and social change, this book explores the transition of Glasgow from a de-industrial to a post-industrial city.

Policy Press

Two steps forward

Housing policy into the new millennium

Edited by Dave Cowan and Alex Marsh

This book makes a distinctive contribution to the debate on housing policy. Bringing together leading scholars from the fields of housing law and housing policy, it engages with the central concerns of policy and demonstrates that the parallel debates of housing studies and socio-legal studies can be strengthened by a fuller exchange of ideas.

Policy Press

Understanding Housing Policy

Focusing on principles and theory and their application in the process of constructing housing policy, with boxed examples and case studies throughout, this fully revised 3rd edition addresses the range of socio-economic factors that have influenced UK housing policy in recent years.

Policy Press