Policy Press

Political Economy

Showing 13-24 of 52 items.

Rethinking Britain

Policy Ideas for the Many

Rethinking Britain presents a range of ideas from some of the country’s most influential thinkers, offering solutions which, if implemented, would lead to a fairer society. This book is an essential aid for citizens who are interested in critiquing inequalities while looking to build a better future.

Policy Press

Reconstructing the Global Political Economy

An Analytical Guide

This intersectional and future-orientated textbook examines the challenges facing the world economy as a result of climate change and rising inequality. It presents and explains key concepts and theories from Global Political Economy, showing how these can be used to design a reconstruction of the global political economy.

Bristol Uni Press

Property, Power and Politics

Why We Need to Rethink the World Power System

This revolutionary work rethinks globalization as a power system feeding from, and in competition with, the state system. In illuminating how the concentration of property rights within corporations led to the rejection of democracy and to the rise in inequality, Robé offers a clear pathway to a fairer and more sustainable power system.

Bristol Uni Press

Remaking the Real Economy

Escaping Destruction by Organised Money

Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions and inequalities which work against the common good. It offers a refreshingly simple business strategy model for a truly sustainable future.

Policy Press

Financial Inclusion

Critique and Alternatives

Rajiv Prabhakar brings together the typically exclusive views of supporters and critics to present a nuanced, critical analysis of ‘financial inclusion’. Addressing issues including the ‘poverty premium’, financial capability and housing, this dialogue advances crucial public, academic and policy debates and proposes alternative paths forward.

Policy Press

After Brexit and Other Essays

After Brexit brings together Gamble’s most influential writings on British politics and political economy from the last 40 years, reflecting on issues that animate British politics, from the decline of the economy and reshaping the welfare state to the transformation of political parties and devolution to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Bristol Uni Press

The Western Ideology and Other Essays

The Western Ideology brings together for the first time Andrew Gamble’s writings on political ideas and ideologies, which illustrate the main themes of his writing in intellectual history and the history of ideas, including economic liberalism and neoliberalism, and critiques from both social democratic and conservative perspectives.

Bristol Uni Press

The Political Economy of Digital Monopolies

Contradictions and Alternatives to Data Commodification

As outrage over the socially damaging practices of technology companies intensifies, this book asks what it actually means to hold a 'monopoly' in the tech world and offers an in-depth analysis of how these corporate giants are produced, financialized, and regulated.

Bristol Uni Press

Ideas and the Use of Force in American Foreign Policy

Presidential Decision-Making in a Post-Cold War World

Examining the post-Cold War period, this book sets out to explain why and when US presidents choose to use force. It develops new explanations for variation in the use of force in US foreign policy by theorizing and demonstrating the effects of the displacement and repression of ideas within and across different US Presidential administrations.

Bristol Uni Press

The Limits of EUrope

Identities, Spaces, Values

Over recent years, a series of challenges including Brexit and the rise of Euroscepticism, have manifested in landmark moments for European integration. First published as a special issue of Global Discourse, this edited collection investigates whether these crises are isolated phenomena or symptoms of a deeper malaise across the EU.

Bristol Uni Press

Evolutions of Capitalism

Historical Perspectives, 1200–2000

Covering times, places and topics that have often been overlooked in the existing economic history literature, this collection charts the most comprehensive chronology of capitalism to date.

Bristol Uni Press

Post-Corona Capitalism

The Alternatives Ahead

This book draws on comparative and international political economy to explore alternative options for future economic development in the wake of COVID-19. Covering all major infrastructures of contemporary capitalism affected by the pandemic, it analyses the impacts of the crisis on our global socio-economic-political systems.

Bristol Uni Press