Policy Press

Political Theory

Showing 25-36 of 60 items.

States and Welfare States

Government for the People

Most governments in the world have taken responsibility for social policy and elected to develop services in health, education and social security. This book explores the role of government and the state in the contemporary world and discusses views about government responsibility for social welfare services.

Policy Press

Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations

Building on the recent initiative to truly globalise the field of International Relations, this book provides an innovative interrogation of regionalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Creating an Ecosocial Welfare Future

A uniquely hybrid approach to welfare state policy, ecological sustainability and social transformation, this book explores transformative models of welfare change. Using Ireland as a case study, it addresses the institutional adaptations needed to move towards a sustainable welfare state.

Policy Press

Claiming and Contesting Representation in Mexico

Meanings, Practices and Settings

Through innovative conceptual work and original case studies, the book explores important trends in Mexican politics and governance through the lens of representation, including who speaks and stands for whom, on what grounds and in what domains and the challenges they face.

Bristol Uni Press

The Politics of Negative Emotions

Edited by Dan Degerman

This volume brings together perspectives from political science and philosophy to shed new light on the political faces of negative emotions. Engaging with real-world political events from Europe, the US and Africa, contributors critically evaluate much-discussed emotions, such as anger, but also less prominent ones, such as frustration.

Bristol Uni Press

Challenging governance theory

From networks to hegemony

This topical book takes a critical look at contemporary governance theory, arguing that there are structural impediments to achieving an ideology of networks and reconsidering it from Marxist and Gramscian perspectives. 

Policy Press

A Science of Otherness?

Rereading the History of Western and US Criminological Thought

This book presents a critical history of criminological thought from the Enlightenment to the present day. Mehozay contends that Western criminological approaches are based upon ‘otherness’ which validate projects of control and exclusion, modernization and care, and even eugenics.

Bristol Uni Press

Boundaries of Queerness

Homonationalism and Racial Politics in Sweden

This book explores how race, sexuality and gender are employed in political projects of belonging, whilst examining the implications for individual identity formation, in the context of Sweden.

Bristol Uni Press

Spectacle and Trumpism

An Embodied Assemblage Approach

This book advances new perspectives for critical thought by exploring the links between consumer culture and the post-truth politics of Trumpism, and how Trump embodies the frightening potential of capitalism to intersect with and enable fascistic forms of power.

Bristol Uni Press

How Language Works in Politics

The Impact of Vague Legislation on Policy

Using analysis from machine readings of all legislation enacted between 1900 and 2015, this book discusses the social impact of increasingly elastic legislative language on the contemporary workings of the British constitution.

Bristol Uni Press

The New Technocracy

Setting a new benchmark for studies of technocracy, this book shows that a solution to the challenge of populism will depend as much on a technocratic retreat as democratic innovation.

Bristol Uni Press