Policy Press

Poverty, inequality and social mobility

Showing 49-60 of 122 items.


A study of town life

A century ago, Seebohm Rowntree embarked on an investigation of poverty in York. The study was hugely influential in the thinking which led to the foundation of the welfare state and his research methods still have validity today. This classic work is republished in a special centenary edition with an extended Preface by Jonathan Bradshaw.

Policy Press

Poor transitions

Social exclusion and young adults

This is a study of the longer-term transitions of young people living in neighbourhoods beset by the worst problems of social exclusion. Based on a rare example of longitudinal, qualitative research with 'hard-to-reach' young adults, the study throws into question common approaches to tackling social exclusion. Free PDF available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

The persistence of poverty across generations

A view from two British cohorts

The recent focus on reducing child poverty stems mainly from worries about the future consequences of poverty on children's later achievement. This report explores the link between childhood poverty and poverty later in life, and asks whether this link has grown stronger or weaker in recent decades. Free PDF available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Patterns of poverty across Europe

Using new EU-wide data, this report shows very different patterns of poverty across Europe, depending on the benchmark used. The findings have important implications for the spatial distribution of poverty within and between countries (including the UK) and for the development of anti-poverty policy across the EU.

Policy Press

On the margins of inclusion

Changing labour markets and social exclusion in London

This book offers an account of how groups of economically marginal people have adapt and negotiate the offerings of a 'post industrial' labour market and a welfare system geared towards reintegrating them into formal employment. Through close ethnographic study it highlights collective strategies and responses to labour and welfare changes.

Policy Press

Obama’s Welfare Legacy

An Assessment of US Anti-Poverty Policies

Using new research, Anne Daguerre examines Obama’s legacy on welfare and antipoverty policies, focusing in particular on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Policy Press

The New Working Class

How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes

Who is working class today and how do political parties gain their support? This insightful book proposes what needs to be done to address the issues of the 'new working class'. It provides practical recommendations for political parties to reconnect with the electorate and regain trust.

Policy Press

A more equal society?

New Labour, poverty, inequality and exclusion

This major new book provides, for the first time, a detailed evaluation of policies on poverty and social exclusion since 1997, and their effects. Bringing together leading experts in the field, it considers the challenges the government has faced, the policies chosen and the targets set in order to assess results.

Policy Press

Money for Everyone

Why We Need a Citizen's Income

This much-needed book analyses the social, economic and labour market advantages of a Citizen's Income in the UK. It also contains international comparisons and links with broader issues around the meaning of poverty and inequality, making a valuable contribution to the debate around benefits.

Policy Press

Minority Women and Austerity

Survival and Resistance in France and Britain

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Bassel and Emejulu explore minority women’s experiences of austerity measures in France and Britain. They demonstrate how they use their race, class, gender and legal status for collective action in the face of the neoliberal colonisation.

Policy Press

Migrants and Their Money

Surviving Financial Exclusion

This original and topical book tells the untold stories of migrants' experiences of, and responses to, financial exclusion in London.

Policy Press

Making Sense of Brexit

Democracy, Europe and Uncertain Futures

What can we learn about our society and the need to listen to each other in order to make sense of Brexit within a wider world? This accessible book addresses the causes and implications of Brexit, exploring the anger against political elites as people felt estranged from a political process that no longer expressed their will.

Policy Press