Policy Press
Showing 133-144 of 2,464 items.

Property in Contemporary Capitalism

This timely book contributes to discussions about the nature of property and capital in an era dominated by neoliberalism and resource privatization.

Raising broad questions about the distribution of wealth and wealth inequality, this timely book will set the agenda in modern property theory.

Bristol Uni Press

Researching Justice

Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research

Understanding justice, for many, begins with questions of injustice. Giving insights into real life research practices for scholars at all levels, this book aids our understanding of how to employ and live justice through our work and daily lives.

Bristol Uni Press

A New Cold War

US-China Relations in the 21st Century

This book illustrates how the relationship between the US and China has long been a "marriage of convenience" , but we might be close to the end of it. They are locked in a "new type of cold war" where mechanisms of deterrence and competition differ compared to those of the Cold War, and which makes the return of bloc politics possible.

Bristol Uni Press

Researching Global Education Policy

Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement

This book explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.

Policy Press

Gendering Place and Affect

Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

This book uses affect theory to explore how placed surroundings shape experiences of gender. Drawing on debates in sociology, geography and organization studies, it examines what it means to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of place and analyses how gender shapes meanings, attachments and identities relating to place.

Bristol Uni Press

Planetary Justice

Stories and Studies of Action, Resistance and Solidarity

This accessible book features the diverse voices of scholars and activists working towards climate justice. The collection explores the politics and practices of moving towards solidarity and flourishing in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction.

Bristol Uni Press

Fiction and Research

A Guide to Connecting Stories and Inquiry

Discover the captivating power of fiction in research through this engaging book. With practical insights, this is essential primer will help students embark on their own research-based fiction projects in no time.

Policy Press

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping and Aid

Critiquing the Past, Plotting the Future

This book highlights the ongoing challenge of preventing and responding to abuse in peacekeeping and aid work, plus the structural issues of power, coloniality and racism, while charting a path for future action.

Bristol Uni Press

A Leader-Centered Theory of Foreign Policy Change

US Foreign Policy towards Cuba under Obama

This innovative account challenges traditional views in International Relations by theorising the influence of individual leaders on foreign policy change. It examines how and why leaders shape policy, showcasing Obama's Cuba pivot as a prime example.

Bristol Uni Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

The Politics and Ethics of Transhumanism

Techno-Human Evolution and Advanced Capitalism

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence

This book interrogates the promises of transhumanism, arguing that it is deeply entwined with capitalist ideology. It casts doubt on a utopian techno-capitalist narrative of unending progress and shows how an alternative ethical framework might foster a more inclusive future.

Bristol Uni Press