Policy Press
Showing 37-48 of 2,464 items.

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 1

Research findings Volume 1

Edited by Frank Coffield

This first volume explores the ways lifelong learning can contribute to the development of knowledge and skills for employment, and other areas of adult life. It addresses the challenges for researchers to study issues that are central and directly relevant to the political and policy debate, and to take into account the reality of people's lives.

Policy Press

Chinese older people

A need for social inclusion in two communities

Chinese older people living in the UK suffer from a number of disadvantages compounded by exclusion from both their own community and the mainstream community. Through interviews with 100 Chinese older people, this unique report provides suggestions for good policy and practice for promoting Chinese older people's inclusion in both communities.

Policy Press

Reviving local democracy

New Labour, new politics?

This book offers a vivid and persuasive critical examination of New Labour's programme for the modernisation of local government, providing a balanced view of the democracy and participation debate. It draws on a wide range of new survey data to relate the crisis of local politics and governance to wider changes in the political culture.

Policy Press

Welfare rights and responsibilities

Contesting social citizenship

This book makes an original contribution to current debates around welfare reform through a qualitative investigation of the opinions and experiences of welfare users. Competing philosophical, political and academic perspectives on citizenship and welfare are also analysed and discussed, making this book important reading for students and teachers.

Policy Press

The making of a welfare class?

Benefit receipt in Britain

Over the last three decades Britain has witnessed an unprecedented rise in the number of people receiving welfare benefits that has provoked fears of a growing underclass and mass welfare dependency. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the reasons for this growth and subjects notions of welfare dependency to empirical test.

Policy Press

Tackling institutional racism

Anti-racist policies and social work education and training

This challenging book analyses the development of anti-racist social work education and training. It critically assesses the concept of 'race', offers an historical exploration of the role of social work and provides an assessment of the backlash against the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work's anti-racist developments.

Policy Press

Working for a living?

Employment, benefits and the living standards of disabled people

This valuable study compares the welfare states of Sweden, Germany and Britain on the basis of social policy provision for disabled people of working age, particularly in the areas of income maintenance and employment policy.

Policy Press

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 2

Research findings Volume 2

Edited by Frank Coffield

This second volume discusses both the meaning of the Learning Society for adults with learning difficulties, and use of social capital to explain patterns of lifelong learning. It presents five different 'trajectories' of lifelong learning, explores determinants of participation and non-participation in learning, and innovation in Higher Education.

Policy Press

Seven years in the lives of British families

Evidence on the dynamics of social change from the British Household Panel Survey

This ground-breaking study provides important new insights into the dynamics of Britain's social and economic life. A total of 10,000 adults (from 5,500 households) were interviewed every year between 1991 and 1997, providing a unique picture of the processes and outcomes of important events in their lives.

Policy Press

Public policy for the 21st century

Social and economic essays in memory of Henry Neuburger

Edited by Neil Fraser and John Hills

This book draws together a collection of lively and authoritative essays on the future of public policy by distinguished academics in the field. Compiled in memory of Henry Neuburger, a leading economic analyst and adviser, the essays together form an excellent introduction to key issues in contemporary policy making.

Policy Press

Domestic violence and health

The response of the medical profession

This book examines the relationship between health and domestic violence. In a qualitative study of the attitudes of health professionals and the women with whom they come into contact, it gives voice to a range of issues which urgently need to be addressed providing guidance for training and practice, as well as recommendations for policy makers.

Policy Press


A study of town life

A century ago, Seebohm Rowntree embarked on an investigation of poverty in York. The study was hugely influential in the thinking which led to the foundation of the welfare state and his research methods still have validity today. This classic work is republished in a special centenary edition with an extended Preface by Jonathan Bradshaw.

Policy Press