Policy Press
Showing 1-12 of 2,464 items.

Food Banks in Schools and Nurseries

The Education Sector’s Responses to the Cost-of-Living Crisis

Drawing on case studies of 12 primary schools and early years settings across England, this book explores how food banks operate for families facing financial insecurity operate and how they affect children’s participation and wellbeing. It explores the major policy decisions that needs to be made to support families.

Policy Press

The Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland

This compelling book underscores the significance of the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland, making a significant contribution to the literature and proposing recommendations on how it could enhance both its efficiency and its reputation.

Bristol Uni Press

Planetary Justice

Stories and Studies of Action, Resistance and Solidarity

This accessible book features the diverse voices of scholars and activists working towards climate justice. The collection explores the politics and practices of moving towards solidarity and flourishing in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction.

Bristol Uni Press

Care, Health and Housing

Crisis, Experiences and Answers

Edited by Lidia C. Manzo

Highlighting the substandard living conditions faced by many residents in social housing communities in Ireland, this book provides key information on housing quality at the community level and identifies practical solutions in the health, community care and housing sectors.

Policy Press

The Politics and Ethics of Transhumanism

Techno-Human Evolution and Advanced Capitalism

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence

This book interrogates the promises of transhumanism, arguing that it is deeply entwined with capitalist ideology. It casts doubt on a utopian techno-capitalist narrative of unending progress and shows how an alternative ethical framework might foster a more inclusive future.

Bristol Uni Press

Biomedical Innovation in Fertility Care

Evidence Challenges, Commercialization and the Market for Hope

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

This book analyses the clashes between evidence-based medicine and the dynamics of an increasingly privatised fertility care industry. With a unique focus on "add-on" treatments, it reveals how these controversial treatments are now widespread and can border on hopemongering.

Bristol Uni Press

Virtual Reality Methods

A Guide for Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Since the mid-2010s, virtual reality (VR) technology has advanced rapidly. This book explores the many opportunities that VR can offer for humanities and social sciences researchers. It provides a user-friendly, non-technical methods guide to using ready-made VR content and 360° video as well as creating custom materials.

Policy Press

Observing Dark Innovation

After Neoliberal Tools and Techniques

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Why does scholarship on innovation tend to fixate on particular classes of technology while neglecting others? This book shows how common methodological tools and techniques of innovation carry neoliberal market biases that dominate the field.

Bristol Uni Press

Civil Society and Intergovernmental Negotiations at the United Nations

Exclusion Despite Inclusion

Since the Earth Summit of 1992, the UN has increased its attention toward civil society, but there has been little analysis of the resulting intergovernmental practices. This book examines the future of international organizations, multilateralism, and how forms of exclusion in civil society are subject to intergovernmental negotiations.

Bristol Uni Press

Adult Social Care Law and Policy

Lessons from the Pandemic

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

The pandemic exposed weaknesses in adult social care, putting people who draw on services in more precarious positions. This book explores the impact of emergency laws and operational changes, providing solutions for improving laws and regulations going forwards.

Bristol Uni Press

Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa

A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book takes an expansive view of vocational education and training. Drawing on case studies across rural and urban Uganda and South Africa, the book offers a new way of seeing this through an exploration of the multiple ways in which people learn to have better livelihoods.

Bristol Uni Press

Minority Women and Austerity

Survival and Resistance in France and Britain

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Bassel and Emejulu explore minority women’s experiences of austerity measures in France and Britain. They demonstrate how they use their race, class, gender and legal status for collective action in the face of the neoliberal colonisation.

Policy Press