Policy Press
Showing 85-96 of 2,464 items.

Learn to succeed

The case for a skills revolution

This is the first book to draw together the evidence on the 'case' for skills and to examine the policies appropriate to achieving 'skills for all'.

Policy Press

Creating a learning society?

Learning careers and policies for lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is a key government strategy - both in the UK and internationally - to promote economic growth and combat social exclusion. This book presents a highly innovative study of participation in lifelong learning and the problems which need to be overcome if lifelong learning policies are to be successful.

Policy Press

The gender dimension of social change

The contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses

This new study uses longitudinal data to provide new insights into the changing dynamics of lives of women today. In particular, it explores the potential of longitudinal or life course analysis as a powerful tool for appreciating the gender dimension of social life.

Policy Press

Senior citizenship?

Retirement, migration and welfare in the European Union

Debates about citizenship in Europe are increasingly topical as the EU expands. This book charts the development of mobility and welfare rights for retired people moving or returning home under the Free Movement of Persons provisions. It raises important issues around the future of social citizenship in an increasingly global and mobile world.

Policy Press

Social work and direct payments

This book summarises and builds on current knowledge and research about direct payments in the UK and considers developments in other European countries. It identifies good practice in the area and explores the implications of direct payments, both for service users and for social work staff.

Policy Press

Partnerships, New Labour and the governance of welfare

Current policy encourages 'partnerships' between statutory organisations and professionals; public and private sectors; with voluntary organisations and local communities. But is this collaborative discourse as distinctive as the government claims? These claims are critically examined, using evidence from a wide range of welfare partnerships.

Policy Press

User-defined outcomes of community care for Asian disabled people

The NHS and Community Care Act (1990) specifically emphasises the health and social care needs of disabled people from minority ethnic communities, urging local authorities to be culturally sensitive to individual needs. This report examines what a culturally sensitive service looks like from the users' perspective.

Policy Press

Evaluating New Labour's welfare reforms

Edited by Martin Powell

Evaluating New Labour's welfare reforms builds on the analysis of bestselling 'New Labour, New Welfare State?' (The Policy Press, 1999) to examine the Government's welfare policies to the end of its first term. It moves beyond a descriptive account to provide an evaluative perspective on New Labour's welfare reforms.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 14

Developments and debates: 2001-2002

Social Policy Review is an annual selection of commissioned articles focusing on developments and debates in social policy. Social Policy Review 14 reviews a varied and interesting selection of social policy developments in Britain and internationally, and sets current policy developments in a broader context of key trends and debates.

Policy Press

What future for social security?

Debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective

It is widely assumed today that the 'welfare state' is contracting or retrenching as an effect of the close scrutiny to which entitlement to social security benefits is being subject in most developed countries. In this book, fifteen authorities from nine different countries investigate to what extent this assumption is warranted.

Policy Press

The private rented sector in a new century

Revival or false dawn?

Against a century-long trend of decline, the private rented sector grew significantly during the 1990s. This book explores why and looks at the consequences for tenants and landlords, as well as the wider implications for housing policy.

Policy Press

At what cost?

The economics of Gypsy and Traveller encampments

This book presents the findings of a comprehensive study by the Traveller Law Research Unit at Cardiff Law School of the costs associated with unauthorised encampments.

Policy Press