Policy Press


Showing 1-12 of 88 items.

Gender Inequalities in Tech-driven Research and Innovation

Living the Contradiction

ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This volume centres on the lived experience of women working in tech-driven research and innovation areas in the Nordic countries.

Bristol Uni Press

Engaging with Policy, Practice and Publics

Intersectionality and Impact

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book examines the increasing importance of engagement with non-academic groups and actors in the co-production of knowledge and real-world influence in academic research.

Policy Press

Nurturing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Support for Research Careers in Health and Biomedicine

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Providing scientific evidence to support equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in health and biomedicine, this book offers practical strategies and interventions for academic settings.

Policy Press

Ethnographic Methods in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Research

Lessons from a Time of Crisis

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

This edited volume discusses the methodological and ethical challenges that researchers are currently facing whilst attempting to document the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities throughout Europe.

Bristol Uni Press

Doing Human Service Ethnography

This book shows researchers how ethnography can be carried out within human service settings, providing an invaluable guide on how to apply ethnographic creativeness and offering a more humanistic and context-sensitive approach to generating valid knowledge about today’s service work.

Policy Press

Theorising Justice

A Primer for Social Scientists

Justice is becoming increasingly important to climate change and economic development discussions. This book combines justice theories with their applications in policy and practice, to address the social, political, economic and ecological challenges we face today.

Bristol Uni Press

Writing for Research

A Time-Saving Guide

Writing is more difficult than it seems. This e-book will get you started and keep you going. It demystifies the craft of writing, and offers lots of tips and ideas to make writing manageable.

Policy Press

Analysing Data

A Time-Saving Guide

When you've collected all your data, what do you do next? Whether it's qualitative or quantitative, this e-book explains how to prepare, code, and analyse your data. The book offers clear guidance to help you turn a morass of raw data into cogent findings.

Policy Press

Managing the Research Process

A Time-Saving Guide

In reality, people need to fit research in with all their other commitments. This e-book is full of practical hints and tips to show you how to manage research alongside work, family, and social life.

Policy Press

Collecting Primary Data

A Time-Saving Guide

Data collection is often the first thing people think of in connection with research. This e-book outlines some of the key issues and offers lots of short-cuts to save you time and stress.

Policy Press

Researching the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Blueprint for the Social Sciences

Challenging social science’s established orthodoxies, this book is a call for academia to embrace new theoretical frameworks and research methods to better understand the reality of life in a post-Covid world.

Policy Press

Social Research with Children and Young People

A Practical Guide

This book provides a practical and concise introductory guide to doing research with children and young people, outlining the benefits and challenges along with key ethical, methodological and other considerations. Throughout, there are practical examples, checklists and top tips to aid the reader.

Policy Press