Policy Press

Social welfare and social insurance

Showing 61-72 of 192 items.

Social and Caring Professions in European Welfare States

Policies, Services and Professional Practices

Focusing on research representing different types of European welfare states, including the Scandinavian and the Continental, this collection provides new insights about current welfare professions.

Policy Press

Father Involvement in the Early Years

An International Comparison of Policy and Practice

An exploration the phenomena of contemporary fatherhood, this book presents the current state of knowledge on father involvement with young children in six countries: Finland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, the UK and the USA.

Policy Press

Understanding Health and Social Care

This engaging and accessible text, now in its third edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to health and social care. This new edition has been updated to cover recent developments, including the integrated care agenda, potential regional devolution and austerity.

Policy Press

Advising in Austerity

Reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies

Edited by Samuel Kirwan

Advising in austerity provides a lively and thought-provoking account of the conditions, consequences and challenges of advice work in the UK. It examines how advisors negotiate the private troubles of those who come to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and construct ways forward.

Policy Press

Delivering Social Welfare

Governance and Service Provision in the UK

Drawing on examples across a range of policy areas, this important new book examines the radically changing system of governance and delivery of social welfare in the UK and assesses how changes in social policy and governance interact in the delivery of social welfare.

Policy Press

Social Entrepreneurship

A Skills Approach

The second edition of this popular book uses in-depth theoretical study and international case studies to explore new developments in social entrepreneurship, such as the rise of the social investment market and the increasing importance of social impact measurement.

Policy Press

From Greed to Wellbeing

A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises

The global financial system seems caught in a cycle of boom and bust, instability and scandal. Building on the classic works of E F Schumacher and other kindred spirits, Magnuson provides a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern and offers new possibilities for change.

Policy Press

Social Problems in Popular Culture

This is the first book to make the link between popular culture and social problems. Drawing on historical and topical examples, the authors apply an innovative theoretical framework to examine how facets of popular culture shape how we think about, and respond to, social issues.

Policy Press

Rebuilding Social Democracy

Core Principles for the Centre Left

Edited by Kevin Hickson

Reclaiming Social Democracy is the first major reappraisal of social democracy on the centre-left since the election of Jeremy Corbyn. With a foreword by Lord Hain, it examines its foundational principles and identifies the values needed to find a route back to political credibility for Labour.

Policy Press

Hunger Pains

Life inside Foodbank Britain

We know the statistics, but what does it feel like to be forced to turn to foodbanks for help? What does it take to get emergency food, and what's in the food parcel? This is a powerful insight into the harsh reality of foodbank use from the inside.

Policy Press

Disability and the Welfare State in Britain

Changes in Perception and Policy 1948–79

The British Welfare State initially seemed to promise welfare for all, but excluded millions of disabled people. This book examines attempts in the subsequent three decades to reverse this exclusion. It also provides the first major analysis of the Disablement Income Group and the Thalidomide campaign.

Policy Press

Understanding Community

Politics, Policy and Practice

This substantially revised edition of a highly topical text applies a critical approach to themes introduced in the first edition including economic development, heath and housing, and draws upon theory from Marx and Bourdieu to offer a clearer understanding of community in capitalist society.

Policy Press