Policy Press

Social welfare and social insurance

Showing 49-60 of 192 items.

Making it personal

Individualising activation services in the EU

This book addresses the development of increasingly individualised public social services in the EU. It focuses particularly on activation services that have become crucial in the 'modernisation' of welfare states, comparing their introduction in the UK, Germany, Italy, Finland and the Czech Republic.

Policy Press

Welfare policy under New Labour

Views from inside Westminster

Welfare reform is a central part of the modernisation programme adopted by the Labour Government since 1997. This book examines the role of Parliament in the formulation and scrutiny of welfare policy, focusing in particular on how MPs and Peers view their influence on policy.

Policy Press

How social security works

An introduction to benefits in Britain

A broad, accessible introduction to the benefit system in Britain which can help readers to make sense of the system in practice.

Policy Press

Social welfare and religion in the Middle East

A Lebanese perspective

The original analysis in this book presents a new and comprehensive narrative of social welfare in the Middle East through an examination of the role of religious welfare.

Policy Press

Transforming the Dutch welfare state

Social risks and corporatist reform

This comprehensive study demonstrates the dramatic changes that have taken place in the protection of old and new social risks, exploring the mechanisms behind these changes in the context of corporatist welfare state institutions.

Policy Press

Clear Blue Water?

The Conservative Party and the Welfare State since 1940

Written for a broad readership, the book takes an authoritative look at Conservative party policy and practice in the modern era. Its time-defined content and broad historical thread make it a valuable resource for academics and students in social policy and politics as well as social history.

Policy Press

Community Development as Micropolitics

Comparing Theories, Policies and Politics in America and Britain

A critical examination of the contradictory ideas and practices that have shaped community development in the US and the UK. It exposes a problematic politics that have far-reaching consequences for those committed to working for social justice.

Policy Press

Disability and the Welfare State in Britain

Changes in Perception and Policy 1948–79

The British Welfare State initially seemed to promise welfare for all, but excluded millions of disabled people. This book examines attempts in the subsequent three decades to reverse this exclusion. It also provides the first major analysis of the Disablement Income Group and the Thalidomide campaign.

Policy Press

The Italian Welfare State in a European Perspective

A Comparative Analysis

This is the first English-language book to take a comparative look at the Italian welfare state as a whole since the 2008 economic crisis and will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers as well as students.

Policy Press

New Philanthropy and Social Justice

Debating the Conceptual and Policy Discourse

Explores the politics and ideology behind a new form of philanthropy whereby wealthy capitalists and private corporations establish initiatives to reduce poverty, disease and food security. Is this new philanthropy just a sticking plaster without long-term results as it fails to tackle inequality?

Policy Press

Political (Dis)Engagement

The Changing Nature of the 'Political'

Edited by Nathan Manning

Academics from a range of disciplines join with political activists to explore the meaning of politics and citizenship in contemporary society and the current forms of political (dis)engagement, providing a timely interdisciplinary dialogue and interrogation of contemporary political practices.

Policy Press

Revisiting Moral Panics

Drawing on the popular Economic Social and Research Council (ESRC) seminar series, this book examines social issues and anxieties, and the solutions to them, through the concept of moral panic.

Policy Press