Policy Press

Social welfare and social insurance

Showing 25-36 of 194 items.

Hunger Pains

Life inside Foodbank Britain

We know the statistics, but what does it feel like to be forced to turn to foodbanks for help? What does it take to get emergency food, and what's in the food parcel? This is a powerful insight into the harsh reality of foodbank use from the inside.

Policy Press

From Greed to Wellbeing

A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises

The global financial system seems caught in a cycle of boom and bust, instability and scandal. Building on the classic works of E F Schumacher and other kindred spirits, Magnuson provides a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern and offers new possibilities for change.

Policy Press

Understanding Restorative Justice

How Empathy Can Close the Gap Created by Crime

This unique book is a clear and detailed introduction that analyses how restorative justice nurtures empathy, exploring key themes such as responsibility, shame, forgiveness and closure. Using case studies, the book offers a fresh angle on a topic that is of growing interest both in the UK and internationally.

Policy Press

Why We Need Welfare

Collective Action for the Common Good

Explains the challenges that collective welfare faces, and explores the complexities involved in delivering it, including debates about who benefits from welfare and how and where it is delivered.

Policy Press

Developing user involvement

Working towards user-centred practice in voluntary organisations

The principle of service user involvement in decisions that affect them directly is now generally supported, but many voluntary organisations remain under scrutiny because of slow implementation. This report explores the processes of change in eleven voluntary organisations to draw out lessons relevant to the wider sector.

Policy Press

Women, Peace and Welfare

A Suppressed History of Social Reform, 1880-1920

Between 1880 and 1920 many women researched the conditions of social and economic life in Western countries, driven by a vision of a society based on welfare and altruism. Ann Oakley uses the women’s stories to bring together the histories of social reform, social science, welfare and pacifism.

Policy Press

The welfare of Europe's children

Are EU member states converging?

This ground-breaking book analyses the living standards of nearly 80 million children in the EU. It considers whether the well-being of children is becoming more similar across member states or if the countries are diverging while their economies converge. It provides a wealth of evidence not previously drawn together in a single source.

Policy Press

Reflective Practice and Learning From Mistakes in Social Work

Learning from professional errors in social work is vital for successful reflective practice. With plenty of practice examples and questions for reflection, this is essential reading for social work students, practitioners and managers.

Policy Press

Parental Conflict

Outcomes and Interventions for Children and Families

The book shows how children are affected by conflict, explores why they respond to conflict in different ways, and provides clear, practical guidance on the best ways to ameliorate the effects.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 13

Developments and debates: 2000-2001

Social Policy Review is an annual selection of commissioned articles focusing on developments and debates in social policy. Social Policy Review 13 reviews a varied and interesting selection of social policy developments in Britain and internationally, and sets current policy developments in a broader context of key trends and debates.

Policy Press

Direct Payments and Personal Budgets

Putting Personalisation into Practice

This third edition of the leading textbook on personalisation considers key policy changes since 2009 and new research into the extension and outcomes of personal budgets. It is essential reading for students, practitioners and policy makers in social work and community care services.

Policy Press

Understanding social citizenship

Themes and perspectives for policy and practice

Policy Press