Policy Press

Social work

Showing 85-96 of 178 items.

The Politics of Children's Services Reform

Re-examining Two Decades of Policy Change

Drawing on access to prominent policy makers, Purcell examines the origins and impact of children’s services reform under recent Labour and Conservative-led governments, including Labour’s Every Child Matters programme and the Munro Review. He also reassesses the impact of high-profile child abuse cases, including Victoria Climbié and Baby P.

Policy Press

Politics, Power and Community Development

Presenting unique and critical reflections on international policy and practice, this book addresses the global dominance of neoliberalism. It examines the extent to which community development practitioners, activists and programmes can challenge, critique, engage with or resist its influence.

Policy Press

Positive Youth Justice

Children First, Offenders Second

This topical book outlines a model of positive youth justice: Children First, Offenders Second (CFOS), which promotes child-friendly, diversionary, inclusionary, engaging, promotional practice and legitimate partnership between children and adults to serve as a blueprint for other local authorities and countries.

Policy Press

Poverty and Inequality

Edited by Chris Jones and Tony Novak

An examination of the consequences of poverty and inequality and the challenge they pose to the engaged social work academic and practitioner.

Policy Press

Poverty, Inequality and Social Work

The Impact of Neo-Liberalism and Austerity Politics on Welfare Provision

A critical analysis of the domino effect of neoliberalism and austerity on social work. Applying theory including those of Bourdieu and Wacquant to practice, it argues that social work should return to a focus on relational and community approaches.

Policy Press

Practical Social Pedagogy

Theories, Values and Tools for Working with Children and Young People

The book combines social pedagogy theories, psychology, sociology and social work with a social constructionist perspective to help practitioners guide children and young people to cope better with the challenges they face as they grow up. 

Policy Press

Practice Placement in Social Work

Innovative Approaches for Effective Teaching and Learning

This collection of innovative approaches to social work placements offers hope in the current climate of cuts to services and over-regulation. The international contributions offer practical guidance and challenge conventional approaches to placement finding, teaching and assessment in field education.

Policy Press

Practice Research Partnerships in Social Work

Making a Difference

This comprehensive, accessibly written resource, is designed to help students and practitioners explore partnerships in creating, contributing, consuming, commissioning or critiquing evidence in and for social work practice.

Policy Press

Pride and Shame in Child and Family Social Work

Emotions and the Search for Humane Practice

In this book, researcher Matthew Gibson reviews the role of shame and pride in social work, providing invaluable new insights from the first study undertaken into the role of these emotions within professional practice.

Policy Press

Protecting Children

A Social Model

This book explores the policy and practice possibilities offered by a social model of child protection. Drawing on developments in mental health and disability studies, it examines the conceptual, political and practice implications of this new framework.

Policy Press

Race, Racism and Social Work

Contemporary issues and debates

Lavalette and Penketh reveal that racism towards Britain’s ethnic minority groups has undergone a process of change and affirm the importance of social work to address issues of ‘race’ and racism in education and training, presenting a critical review of a demanding aspect of social work practice.

Policy Press

Radical social work in practice

Making a difference

This much-needed textbook provides a fresh understanding of the radical tradition and shows how it can be developed in contemporary social work.

Policy Press