Policy Press

Social Work

Showing 25-36 of 372 items.

Secrets and Silence

Uncovering the Legacy of the Cleveland Child Sexual Abuse Case

The Cleveland child sexual abuse scandal was not the scandal we thought. Beatrix Campbell shows how medical evidence of childhood rape identified by pioneering paediatricians was deemed credible but ‘dangerous’. This secret has framed policy making and public opinion and has had consequences for children, professionals, justice and the state.

Policy Press

Social Research with Children and Young People

A Practical Guide

This book provides a practical and concise introductory guide to doing research with children and young people, outlining the benefits and challenges along with key ethical, methodological and other considerations. Throughout, there are practical examples, checklists and top tips to aid the reader.

Policy Press

The short guide to social work

This one-stop text for new and prospective social work students is easy to read and full of essential information and practical advice about what is needed to qualify and practice in social work.

Policy Press

Innovation in Social Care

New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms

Based on the findings of the Innovate Project, this book asks how services can be re-envisioned and transformed through innovation. The authors offer insights into the core conditions necessary for socially just and practice-congruent social care innovation that responds to the distinctive, contemporary safeguarding concerns facing young people.

Policy Press

Ending the Social Care Crisis

A New Road to Reform

Drawing on the history of social care, international comparisons and lived experience, this vital book outlines a different vision of social care as an essential part of England’s economic and social infrastructure that enables people to live good lives.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Mental Health

A concise introduction to important concepts and debates in the field of mental health, Deirdre Heenan and Jennifer Betts bring together different stakeholders’ perspectives to explore contemporary issues around the prevalence, cost and determinants of mental illness, and responding attitudes and services, for a comprehensive and accessible primer.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Community Development

The third edition of this long-established guide offers an invaluable, authoritative and concise introduction to community development. Fully updated to reflect changes in policy, practice, economics and culture it will equip readers with an understanding of the history and theory of community development, as well as practical guidance.

Policy Press

White Minds

Everyday Performance, Violence and Resistance

In this powerful book, Kinouani uniquely examines the psychological and psychic factors involved in the reproduction of ‘whiteness’ and reveals how these intersect with race dynamics, race inequality and racial violence.

Policy Press

Working in Teams

A practical and accessible guide for students focussing on how inter-agency teams may be made to function more effectively, illustrated through real-life examples.

Policy Press

The Story of Baby P

Setting the Record Straight

This book is the first to tell what happened to 'Baby P', how the story was told by the media and its considerable impact on the child protection system in England. It makes a crucial contribution to the topic.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Health and Social Care

This clear and succinct text offers a valuable introductory guide to health and social care, helping people who want to study or work in the field understand why these services matter, how they have developed and how they work.

Policy Press

The Research Journal

A Reflective Tool for Your First Independent Research Project

This brilliant book is a great guide for students undertaking their first piece of independent research. Regular critical reflection is an invaluable tool for helping you gain new insights, deal with practical issues as they arise and develop your understanding. This book gets you started in the habit of using a research journal.

Policy Press