Policy Press

Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

Showing 85-96 of 125 items.

Social Policy Review 31

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2019

Bringing together the voices of leading experts in the field, this edition offers an up-to-date and diverse review of the best in social policy scholarship over the past year.

Policy Press

North Korean Women and Defection

Human Rights Violations and Activism

Presenting in-depth accounts of North Korean women defectors living in the UK, this book examines how the harrowing experiences they endured and their utopian dream of a better future for fellow North Korean women have become an impetus for their activism.

Bristol Uni Press

University Audit Cultures and Feminist Praxis

An Institutional Ethnography

Drawing on an unprecedented institutional ethnography of UK universities, this book uses feminist and gender lenses to critique the power, culture and structure of Higher Education institutions. Challenging the myths of how academia is governed by audit processes, it provides an opportunity to re-read and re-write these institutions from within.

Bristol Uni Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

Gendering Place and Affect

Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

This book uses affect theory to explore how placed surroundings shape experiences of gender. Drawing on debates in sociology, geography and organization studies, it examines what it means to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of place and analyses how gender shapes meanings, attachments and identities relating to place.

Bristol Uni Press

Embodying Irish Abortion Reform

Bodies, Emotions, and Feminist Activism

This book explores the experiences of people affected by Ireland's constitutional abortion ban. Through in-depth research and interviews, the author uncovers how the 8th Amendment led women and gestating people live their bodies as "future aborting bodies," and how the need to ‘prepare’ for crisis pregnancies shaped everyday practices.

Bristol Uni Press

Drag as Marketplace

Contemporary Cultures, Identities and Business

Now a multi-million-dollar industry blending art, politics, and entertainment, drag's popularity has soared in recent years. Yet, despite its rise as a consumer product, research exploring the intersection of drag and markets remains scarce. This interdisciplinary collection fills that void, exploring drag's market impact.

Bristol Uni Press

Menstrual Myth Busting

The Case of the Hormonal Female

Despite being a widely recognised phenomenon, PMS remains difficult to define clinically, with no universally agreed diagnostic criteria or shortlist of deterministic symptoms. This book aims to accurately define and explain cyclical experiences and debunk the myth of the hysterical female, once and for all.

Policy Press

Sex and Diversity in Later Life

Critical Perspectives

Addressing diversity in sexual and intimate experience later in life (50+), this collection explores how being older intersects with ethnicity, gender, sexuality and class. This original text extends knowledge concerning intimacies, practices and pleasures for those thought to represent normative forms of sexual identification and expression.

Policy Press

Desexualisation in Later Life

The Limits of Sex and Intimacy

Challenging stereotypes, this volume investigates the experiential and theoretical landscapes of older people’s sexual intimacies, practices and pleasures. Contributors explore the impact of desexualisation and distinguish the challenges older people face from the prejudices imposed on them.

Policy Press

Chinese Men’s Practices of Intimacy, Embodiment and Kinship

Crafting Elastic Masculinity

This book explores Chinese young men’s views of manhood and develops a new concept of ‘elastic masculinity’ which can be stretched and forged differently in response to personal relationships and local realities.

Bristol Uni Press

Women, Media, and Elections

Representation and Marginalization in British Politics

Providing a systematic analysis of electoral coverage in newspapers since 1918, this book demonstrates that for women to be effectively represented in the political domain, they must also be effectively represented in the public discussion of politics that takes place in the media.

Bristol Uni Press