Policy Press

Sustainable Development

Showing 25-36 of 48 items.

Infrastructure in Africa

Lessons for Future Development

This book presents a comprehensive exploration of the state of infrastructure in Africa and provides an integrated analysis of the challenges the sector faces, based on extensive fieldwork across the continent, providing an important resource for researchers, students, policymakers and NGOs.

Policy Press

A Just Energy Transition

Getting Decarbonisation Right in a Time of Crisis

In this timely book, Ed Atkins asks: are we getting decarbonisation right? And how could it be made better for people and communities? In doing so, this book proposes a different type of energy transition. One that prioritises and takes opportunities to do better – to provide better jobs, community ownership and improve people’s homes and lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Legal Perspectives on Sustainability

The intersections of law and sustainability are explored in new ways in this interdisciplinary volume by legal experts in a variety of fields. Offering analysis of sustainability at land and sea alongside trade, labour and corporate governance perspectives, this book articulates important debates about the role of law.

Bristol Uni Press

The Pandemic Within

Policy Making for a Better World

This book offers a blend of moral imagination and social-political analysis to overcome the defects COVID-19 has exposed in our political-economic order. It shows how hegemony and complexity prevent societies from envisioning better practices and institutions and presents feasible solutions.

Policy Press

Post-Carbon Inclusion

Transitions Built on Justice

This collection pays unique attention to the problems of addressing inequality within decarbonisation, such as high consumption, degrowth approaches and perverse outcomes. Illustrated with case studies from the city to the household, this timely book looks at ways to quicken the transition from high carbon inequalities to post-carbon inclusion.

Bristol Uni Press

Poverty and Prejudice

Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book offers a comprehensive overview of how efforts to achieve SDGs can be enhanced by paying greater attention to freedom of religion and belief.

Bristol Uni Press

Radical Food Geographies

Power, Knowledge and Resistance

This collection presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems challenges across places, spaces, and scales. With global case studies, it explores the interconnections between the social and ecological dynamics of food systems, exploring efforts to co-construct more equitable and sustainable food systems for all.

Bristol Uni Press

Reconstructing the Global Political Economy

An Analytical Guide

This intersectional and future-orientated textbook examines the challenges facing the world economy as a result of climate change and rising inequality. It presents and explains key concepts and theories from Global Political Economy, showing how these can be used to design a reconstruction of the global political economy.

Bristol Uni Press

Rethinking Sustainable Cities

Accessible, Green and Fair

Edited by David Simon

Makes a significant contribution to the sustainable urbanisation agenda through authoritative interventions contextualising, assessing and explaining the relevance and importance of three central characteristics of sustainable towns and cities everywhere; that they be accessible, green and fair.

Policy Press

Rethinking Value Chains

Tackling the Challenges of Global Capitalism

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This original volume brings together academics and activists from Europe to think creatively about the social and environmental imbalances of global production and how to reform the current economic system.

Policy Press

The Self-Build Experience

Institutionalisation, Place-Making and City Building

Spanning multiple countries across South America, Europe and Africa, this book uses an international comparative perspective to investigate the phenomenon of self-building for low- and middle-income groups in urban areas, examining the tensions between regulation and self-regulatory initiatives.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to International Development

By providing a succinct evaluation of competing approaches to, and perspectives on, the idea and practice of international development, this book offers students across the social sciences a distinct and invaluable introduction to the field.

Policy Press