Policy Press

General non-fiction

We publish serious non-fiction social commentary and debate for a wide audience. These high quality books are written by academics, professionals and other experts in an accessible way bringing key issues of social, political and cultural significance to a wide readership. These books have an impact: advancing knowledge, raising awareness and encouraging social change.

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Showing 25-36 of 125 items.

What Is War For?

This book examines how changes to social rules reshape how states explain their military actions, and changes to technology and society transform contemporary warfare. Analysing the role that war serves in global politics, it outlines the ways in which war affects the contemporary world, from international relations to our day-to-day lives.

Bristol Uni Press

What Is Cybersecurity For?

Cybersecurity is one of the key practical and political challenges of our time. This book explains the complexities of global information systems, the challenges of providing security to users, societies, states and the international system, and the multitude of competing players and ambitions in this arena.

Bristol Uni Press

What Is Philanthropy For?

Philanthropy, the use of private assets for public good, has been much criticized in recent years. Rhodri Davies, drawing on his deep knowledge of the past and present landscape of philanthropy, examines pressing questions that philanthropy must tackle if it is to be equal to the challenges of the 21st century.

Bristol Uni Press

50 Dark Destinations

Crime and Contemporary Tourism

From the Alcatraz East Crime Museum to Jack the Ripper guided tours, ‘dark tourism’ is now a multi-million-pound global industry. Highlighting 50 travel destinations across six continents, expert criminologists, psychologists and historians expose a worrying trend in contemporary consumer culture in which many of us partake.

Policy Press

When This Is Over

Reflections on an Unequal Pandemic

Academics, activists and artists remember and reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic in an inclusive commemorative overview which honours the experience of a global disaster lived up close and suggests the steps needed to ensure we do better next time.

Policy Press

The Death of the Left

Why We Must Begin from the Beginning Again

Winlow and Hall argue that the only way to resurrect leftist politics is to begin from the beginning again. They identify the root causes of its maladies, describe how new cultural obsessions displaced core unifying principles, and outline how a new reincarnation of the left can win in the 21st century.

Policy Press

The Authoritarian Century

China's Rise and the Demise of the Liberal International Order

Chris Ogden argues that, as the world capitulates to China’s preferred authoritarian order, other world powers are moving to this as a dominant global phenomenon, which will transform global institutions, human rights and political systems.

Bristol Uni Press

Escaping Dystopia

Rebuilding a Public Domain

Overcoming crises and forging alternatives is the most pressing issue of our times. In this book, Stephen McBride explores the multiple crises defining neoliberalism, identifying the linkages between them, and argues for radical solutions to revive our increasingly dystopian political and economic world.

Bristol Uni Press

The Unlikely Candidate

What Losing an Election Taught Me about How to Change Politics

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping our politics, economy and society, providing a chance to reset and redesign politics. Ali Milani brings a unique perspective to the key political issues we're facing and inspires a new generation of political leaders from the disenfranchised, disillusioned and marginalised in society.

Policy Press

The Rules of Democracy

Democracy is the most effective way to give us control over the decisions that impact on our lives, but it must evolve. This book lays out a roadmap for a more accountable democracy, locally, nationally and internationally that will give us greater influence over the decisions that impact our communities.

Policy Press

The Cruel Optimism of Racial Justice

Looking at examples across anti-racist movements and developments in nationhood/nationalism, institutional racism, migration, white supremacy and the disparities of COVID-19, Nasar Meer argues for the need to move on from perpetual crisis in racial justice to a turning point that might change deep-seated systems of racism.

Policy Press

Urgent Business

Five Myths Business Needs to Overcome to Save Itself and the Planet

Combining academic insight and inspiring real-world examples this book offers a new business model which argues that all companies should become responsible businesses, transforming the sustainability agenda into a more holistic and systemic approach.

Bristol Uni Press