Policy Press

Cities and Urban Life

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

Youth Work

Improving the Lives of Young People and Communities

This book assesses the impact of a unique youth and community space in East London, created to support local young people in addressing the challenges in their lives. It gives clear and practical evidence of the significant benefits of open access youth work, with guidance on replicating best practice in similar urban environments.

Policy Press

Secondary Cities

Exploring Uneven Development in Dynamic Urban Regions of the Global North

This book explores cities and intra-regional relational dynamics to challenge common representations of urban development ‘success’ and ‘failure’. It provides innovative alternative relations and development strategies that reimagine the subordinate status of secondary cities.

Bristol Uni Press

Reimagining Age-Friendly Communities

Urban Ageing and Spatial Justice

How can we design, develop and adapt urban environments to better meet the needs of an increasingly diverse ageing population?  This book highlights the urgent need to address inequalities that shape the experience of ageing in urban environments, and demonstrates that despite obstacles, meaningful social change is achievable locally.

Policy Press

Pathways to Sustainable Welfare

Inertia, Emergence and Transformation in Swedish Cities

Pathways to Sustainable Welfare critically examines how cities can address the dual challenges of climate change and sustainability while ensuring the welfare of their populations. Focused on three Swedish cities, it explores the integration of environmental and welfare concerns in local policies, urban movements and public opinions.

Policy Press

Digital Technologies, Smart Cities and the Environment

In the Ruins of Broken Promises

Examining the environmental impacts of digitalisation in smart cities, this book asks how we can reconcile the adoption of smart technologies into sustainable projects.

It traces the material and environmental costs of daily realities for smart cities and asks how promises are broken when cities become ‘smart.’

Bristol Uni Press