Policy Press

Education and learning

Only a third of children in the world’s poorest households currently complete school. Two thirds of all illiterate adults are women and nearly half the global illiterate population lives in Southern Asia.

In focusing on education policy and the inequalities that are both in-built in education systems and perpetuated by them, our publishing responds to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. Revealing and addressing some of the challenges in education, including those around technology and the digital divide, it looks to internationally-sourced evidence-based solutions, challenging traditional neoliberal approaches to learning.

Bristol University Press and Policy Press are signed up to the UN SDG Publishers Compact. In Education and learning, we aim to address the following goal:

SDG Publishers compact logoSDG 4: Quality education

Showing 25-36 of 183 items.

The New Political Economy of Teacher Education

The Enterprise Narrative and the Shadow State

Adopting a political economy perspective, Viv Ellis, Lauren Gatti and Warwick Mansell present a unique and international analysis of teacher education policy in the US, England and Norway after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Policy Press

Keywords in Education Policy Research

A Conceptual Toolbox

Designed as a reference, learning and teaching tool to assist students, educators and researchers, this book describes the history, contribution and application of over 90 keywords in the field of education policy research.

Policy Press

Low-income Female Teacher Values and Agency in India

Implications for Reflective Practice

This book shows how the speech and syntax of low-income female teachers in India’s education system establishes a special form of relational agency and empowerment.

Policy Press

Poverty and Prejudice

Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book offers a comprehensive overview of how efforts to achieve SDGs can be enhanced by paying greater attention to freedom of religion and belief.

Bristol Uni Press

Childhoods of the Global South

Children’s Rights and Resistance

Children in the Global South continue to be affected by social disadvantage in our unequal post-colonial world order. With a focus on working-class children in Latin America, this book explores the challenges of promoting children’s rights in a context of decolonization.

Policy Press

Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication

Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation

This radical volume disrupts circular debates around diversity, equity, and inclusion in science communication to address the gaps in the field. Bringing to the fore marginalised voices of so-called 'racialised minorities', and those from Global South regions, it interrogates the global footprint of the science communication enterprise.

Bristol Uni Press

The Degree Generation

The Making of Unequal Graduate Lives

This book traces the transition to the graduate labour market of a cohort of middle-class and working-class young people. Using personal stories and voices, it provides fascinating insights into their experience of graduate employment and how their life-course transitions are shaped by their social backgrounds and education.

Bristol Uni Press

Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures

Bringing together the perspectives of researchers, policy makers, activists, educators and practitioners, this book critically interrogates the Western-centric assumptions underpinning education and development agendas and the colonial legacies of violence they often uphold.

Bristol Uni Press

Unarmed Civilian Protection

A New Paradigm for Protection and Human Security

Featuring contributions from around the world, this edited collection provides a comprehensive account of unarmed civilian protection (UCP). It brings together a wide range of UCP practices and provides an important illustration of the contributions UCP can make, while also discussing its limitations and failures.

Bristol Uni Press

Exploring Digital Technology in Education

Why Theory Matters and What to Do about It

The field of digital technology in education has long been under-theorised. This book will enable the reader to reflect on the use of theory when explaining technology use and set out ways in which we can theorise better.

Policy Press

Child Development and the Brain

From Embryo to Adolescence

This bestselling, fully updated textbook explores the relationship between the latest neuroscience and our understanding of child development from 0-18+, considering the links between brain development and social and cultural issues.

Policy Press

Who’s Afraid of Political Education?

The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation

Edited by Henry Tam

Experts on learning for democracy come together to explore why and how the gap in civic competence should be bridged. They make the case for a more effective form of political education that can enable citizens to learn to exert their influence over their government in an informed and meaningful manner.

Policy Press