Policy Press

Life stages and intergenerationality

Addressing issues around Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 4: Quality Education and Goal 5: Gender Equality, the work we publish in this area – including on our Ageing and Gerontology, Children, Young People and Families and Education lists, and the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal - helps identify and address the challenges that come at different life stages and between different generations.

It explores issues around health at different stages of life, demographics, intergenerationality, the challenges in education and the need for equal participation at all stages of the lifecourse. 

Bristol University Press and Policy Press are signed up to the UN SDG Publishers Compact. In Life stages and intergenerationality, we aim to address the following goals:

SDG Publishers compact logoSDG 1: No povertySDG 3: Good health and well-beingSDG 4: Quality educationSDG 5: Gender equality

Showing 85-96 of 289 items.

Climate Change, Consumption and Intergenerational Justice

Lived Experiences in China, Uganda and the UK

Based on a cross-national and cross-generational project on climate change and consumption with urban residents in China, Uganda and the UK, this book examines how different cultures think about past, present and future responsibility for climate change.

Bristol Uni Press

Critical Practice with Children and Young People

This new edition for advanced students and practitioners is substantially updated to reflect the changes in the field since the publication of the first edition and contains multiple additional chapters discussing new and emerging topics for those in the fields of social work, education and health care.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

Parental Leave and Beyond

Recent International Developments, Current Issues and Future Directions

This volume provides an international perspective on parental leave policies in different countries, goes beyond this to examine a range of issues in depth, and aims to stimulate thinking about possible futures and how policy might underpin them.

Policy Press

Pride and Shame in Child and Family Social Work

Emotions and the Search for Humane Practice

In this book, researcher Matthew Gibson reviews the role of shame and pride in social work, providing invaluable new insights from the first study undertaken into the role of these emotions within professional practice.

Policy Press

Tracing the Consequences of Child Poverty

Evidence from the Young Lives Study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book draws on evidence on two cohorts of children, from 1 to 15 and from 8 to 22 growing up in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam over the past 15 years. It examines how poverty affects children’s development in these countries, and how policy has been used to improve their lives.

Policy Press

Intersections of Ageing, Gender and Sexualities

Multidisciplinary International Perspectives

This edited collection examines ageing, gender, and sexualities from multidisciplinary and geographically diverse perspectives and looks at how these factors combine with other social divisions to affect experiences of ageing.

Policy Press

Childhood Experiences of Separation and Divorce

Reflections from Young Adults

Drawing on the qualitative research findings, this book develops a new framework to provide a useful analytical tool for academics and practitioners working with children and families to make sense of young people’s experiences of parental separation and divorce and puts forward suggestions for improving support for children in the future.

Policy Press

Unaccompanied Young Migrants

Identity, Care and Justice

Exploring in depth the journeys migrant youth take through the UK legal and care systems, this book contributes new thinking, from a social justice perspective, on migration and human rights for policy, practice and future research.

Policy Press

Social Research with Children and Young People

A Practical Guide

This book provides a practical and concise introductory guide to doing research with children and young people, outlining the benefits and challenges along with key ethical, methodological and other considerations. Throughout, there are practical examples, checklists and top tips to aid the reader.

Policy Press

Grandparenting Practices Around the World

Edited by Virpi Timonen

This exciting collection presents an in-depth, up-to-date analysis of the unprecedented phenomenon of increasing numbers of grandparents worldwide, co-existing and interacting for longer periods of time with their grandchildren.

Policy Press

From Here to Maternity

Becoming a Mother

Ann Oakley interviewed 60 women to find out what it’s really like to have a baby. She discusses whether and why women want to become pregnant, how they imagine motherhood to be, the experience of birth, post-natal depression, feeding and caring routines and the challenges for the domestic division of labour and to fathers.

Policy Press