Policy Press


Showing 73-84 of 87 items.

Policy Analysis in the United States

Edited by John A. Hird

Leading scholars and practitioners of public policy analysis some together in this collection to enable scholars to compare cross-nationally concepts and practices of public policy analysis in the media, sub-national governments and other institutional settings.

Policy Press

Time to Save Democracy

How to Govern Ourselves in the Age of Anti-Politics

In the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, Henry Tam explores what should be done to revive democracy, setting out in a clear and accessible manner 9 key areas where reforms are necessary to ensure we can govern ourselves more effectively.

Policy Press

Britishness, Belonging and Citizenship

Experiencing Nationality Law

Long term resident migrants to the UK still face significant barriers to citizenship. Dr Prabhat captures the experiences of those who successfully become British citizens through stories of belonging, citizenship, and the law. The book illuminates the gap between policy and practice in gaining British citizenship.

Policy Press

Kill It to Save It

An Autopsy of Capitalism’s Triumph over Democracy

Kill it to save it lays bare the hypocrisy of US political discourse by documenting the story of capitalism’s triumph over democracy. Dolgon argues that American citizens now accept policies that destroy the public sector and promote political stories that feel right “in the gut”, regardless of science or facts.

Policy Press

The Future for Health Promotion

Taking in to account the practical and ethical issues involved in deciding the appropriate approach to take in efforts to reduce health inequalities, the book assesses what might be the best path forward for health promotion.

Policy Press

Squaring the Circle on Brexit

Could the Norway Model Work?

Two preeminent Norwegian scholars of politics and law offer a comprehensive first-hand account of Norway’s relationship with the EU and how this affects the country’s legal and political system, setting out what Britain can learn from Norway’s experience and how transferable these lessons are.

Bristol Uni Press

Leading Public Sector Innovation (Second Edition)

Co-creating for a Better Society

Thoroughly revised to take account of the latest literature and international developments in the field. Drawing on global research and practical examples, Bason illustrates the key triggers and practices of public sector innovation.

Policy Press

How Language Works in Politics

The Impact of Vague Legislation on Policy

Using analysis from machine readings of all legislation enacted between 1900 and 2015, this book discusses the social impact of increasingly elastic legislative language on the contemporary workings of the British constitution.

Bristol Uni Press

Law and Society in a Populist Age

Balancing Individual Rights and the Common Good

Amitai Etzioni argues for a new liberal communitarian approach as an effective response to populism. The book considers national security versus privacy, private sector responsibility, freedom of the press, campaign finance reform, regulatory law and the legal status of terrorists, offering a timely discussion of key issues.

Bristol Uni Press

Understanding Brexit

A Concise Introduction

Provides a concise introduction to the past, present and future of one of the most important and controversial topics in modern British politics, setting out in a clear and accessible way many of the fundamentals for understanding why Britain voted to leave the European Union and what happens next.

Policy Press

Funding, Power and Community Development

This edited collection critically explores the funding arrangements governing contemporary community development and how they shape its theory and practice.

Policy Press