Policy Press

Media studies

Showing 1-12 of 44 items.

Activists in the Data Stream

The Practices of Daily Grassroots Politics in Southern Europe

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-ND licence

This book pulls back the curtain on the link between technology and activism, showing shows how activists navigate the impact of digital media on today’s grassroots politics.

Bristol Uni Press

Gender and Family

Edited by Viviene E. Cree

An insight into some of the central debates and questions about gender and the family, examined through the lens of moral panic.

Policy Press

Moral Regulation

Edited by Mark Smith

This byte teases out some of the fundamentally moral questions that continue to perplex us, about life and death, good and evil, and sex and the body.

Policy Press

Childhood and Youth

Edited by Gary Clapton

Addresses moralising within discourses of childhood and youth and asks how we might do things differently.

Policy Press

The State

Edited by Viviene E. Cree

Through case-study examples this Byte explores individual and social problems that are characterised as moral panics.

Policy Press

Mistrust Issues

How Technology Discourses Quantify, Extract and Legitimize Inequalities

Discussing the political understandings of trust and mistrust in the context of data, AI and technology at large, this book defines a process of trustification used by governments, corporations, researchers and the media to legitimise exploitation and the increasing of inequalities.

Bristol Uni Press

Slow Computing

Why We Need Balanced Digital Lives

Is it possible to experience the joy and benefits of computing in a way that asserts individual and collective autonomy?

Drawing on the ideas of the ‘slow movement’, Slow Computing sets out numerous practical and political means to take back control and counter the more pernicious effects of living digital lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Brexit, Tweeted

Polarization and Social Media Manipulation

Dissecting 45 million tweets posted by 265.000 users in the five years that followed the Brexit referendum, this book presents an extensive and nuanced analysis of social media manipulation and Brexit.

Bristol Uni Press

Data Lives

How Data Are Made and Shape Our World

Rob Kitchin explores how data-driven technologies have become essential to society, government and the economy. Blending scholarly analysis, biography and fiction, he demonstrates how data influence our daily lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Resisting AI

An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere, yet it causes damage to society in ways that can’t be fixed. Calling for the restructuring of AI, Dan McQuillan sets out an anti-fascist approach that replaces exclusions with caring and outlines new mechanisms that support collective freedom.

Bristol Uni Press

Cultural Sexism

The politics of feminist rage in the #metoo era

Savigny examines how the prevalence of sexism and misogyny across the media, entertainment and cultural industries keeps sexist values firmly within popular consciousness. She traces the development of key feminist thinking and explores what we can do next after the #MeToo era.

Bristol Uni Press

Just Here for the Comments

Lurking as Digital Literacy Practice

This book challenges the conventional perspective of what ‘counts’ as participatory online culture. Presenting ‘lurking’ on social media newsfeeds as a communication and literacy practice that resists dominant power structures, it offers an innovative approach to digital qualitative methods.

Bristol Uni Press