Policy Press

Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies

Showing 13-24 of 50 items.

White Minds

Everyday Performance, Violence and Resistance

In this powerful book, Kinouani uniquely examines the psychological and psychic factors involved in the reproduction of ‘whiteness’ and reveals how these intersect with race dynamics, race inequality and racial violence.

Policy Press

Poverty and Prejudice

Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book offers a comprehensive overview of how efforts to achieve SDGs can be enhanced by paying greater attention to freedom of religion and belief.

Bristol Uni Press

Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication

Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation

This radical volume disrupts circular debates around diversity, equity, and inclusion in science communication to address the gaps in the field. Bringing to the fore marginalised voices of so-called 'racialised minorities', and those from Global South regions, it interrogates the global footprint of the science communication enterprise.

Bristol Uni Press

Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief

Whose Reality Counts?

Edited by Jo Howard and Mariz Tadros

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book brings together reflections, knowledge and learning about the experiences of religious minorities. It showcases the participatory methodologies implemented by its contributors and highlights the importance of using non-extractive methods for engaging with participants.

Bristol Uni Press

COVID-19 and Racism

Counter-Stories of Colliding Pandemics

This book addresses the prejudices that emerged out of the collision of the two pandemics of 2020: COVID-19 and Racism.

Policy Press

Coloniality and Meritocracy in Unequal EU Migrations

Intersecting Inequalities in Post-2008 Italian Migration

Connecting decolonial theory with Bourdieu’s class analysis, this book provides pioneering new insights into the social stratification of EU migrants and the relationships between neoliberalism, coloniality and European whiteness.

Bristol Uni Press

Racism and Ethnic Inequality in a Time of Crisis

Findings from the Evidence for Equality National Survey

ePUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Drawing from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS), this book presents new evidence of ethnic inequalities and sheds new light on underlying racisms, opening them up to debate as crucial social concerns.

Policy Press

Race, Class, Parenting and Children’s Leisure

Children’s Leisurescapes and Parenting Cultures in Middle-class British Indian Families

School-age children’s everyday lives are changing as they are immersed in digital leisure and organised activities. However, our current understandings of these transitions are race-blind. Presenting the first study of middle-class British Indian families, this book reveals the salience of race and class in shaping parenting cultures and children.

Bristol Uni Press

Racial Diversity in Contemporary France

The Case of Colorblindness

This unique work reveals how the denial of race as a social category maintains and reproduces systematic racism in contemporary France. Léonard offers an in-depth analysis of contentious issues in society, revealing how color-blind racism is at the centre of social inequality in France.

Bristol Uni Press

Anti-Racism in Higher Education

An Action Guide for Change

Edited by Arun Verma

Arising from staff and student experiences, this book offers a roadmap for senior leaders, academic and professional staff and students to build strategies, programmes and interventions that effectively dismantle racism.

Policy Press

Queer Politics in Contemporary Turkey

Drawing on the words and stories of queer Turkish activists, this book aims to unravel the complexities of queer lives in Turkey. In doing so, it challenges dominant conceptualizations of the queer Turkish experience within critical security discourses.

Bristol Uni Press

The Cruel Optimism of Racial Justice

Looking at examples across anti-racist movements and developments in nationhood/nationalism, institutional racism, migration, white supremacy and the disparities of COVID-19, Nasar Meer argues for the need to move on from perpetual crisis in racial justice to a turning point that might change deep-seated systems of racism.

Policy Press