Policy Press


Showing 145-156 of 1,033 items.

Tackling institutional racism

Anti-racist policies and social work education and training

This challenging book analyses the development of anti-racist social work education and training. It critically assesses the concept of 'race', offers an historical exploration of the role of social work and provides an assessment of the backlash against the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work's anti-racist developments.

Policy Press

Tackling Child Sexual Abuse

Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support

This book will inspire policy makers, practitioners, academics and journalists to rediscover courage in tackling child sexual abuse. Sarah Nelson proposes new models for child-centred, perpetrator-focussed child protection, for community prevention, and for work with survivor-offenders.

Policy Press

Supporting Victims of Hate Crime

A Practitioner Guide

This practical guide provides user-friendly, concise, expert and up-to-date guidance for both new and experienced hate crime caseworkers and advocates. Full of relevant, up-to-date evidence based research and policy, it will enable practitioners to be confident and knowledgeable in supporting victims of hate crime.

Policy Press

Supporting Struggling Students on Placement

A Practical Guide

Practical guidance that will further knowledge and engender confidence for any teachers, assessors and supervisors on courses with a practice learning component, based on the authors first-hand experience and international multi-disciplinary research and literature.

Policy Press

Supporting People with Alcohol and Drug Problems

Making a Difference

This book addresses the gap in social work education by providing a combination of research evidence, policy frameworks and practical hints and tips for good social work practice for all those in children's and adults' social work and social care settings who are working with people who use alcohol or other drugs. 

Policy Press

Supporting people

Towards a person-centred approach

Based on the largest independent UK study of person-centred support and written by an experienced team of authors, this book explores with service users, practitioners, carers and managers what person-centred support means to them, what barriers stand in the way and how these can be overcome.

Policy Press

Supporting New Digital Natives

Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in a Hi-Tech Age

How can we support children’s and young people’s mental wellbeing in a digital age? This essential guide for improving wellbeing offers practical ideas for parents/carers and professionals working with children.

Policy Press

Supporting families

The financial costs and benefits of children since 1975

Drawing on a large-scale 28-year survey, this report analyses entitlements to child-contingent taxes and benefits for thousands of households. It examines how support has varied across households and over time, separates the impact of policy from socio-economic changes and compares government support for children with estimates of the actual costs.

Policy Press

Supporting Adult Care-Leavers

International Good Practice

Featuring detailed case studies and examples of good practice, this is an excellent international source book for practitioners and policy makers in social work and social care.

Policy Press

Support Workers and the Health Professions in International Perspective

The Invisible Providers of Health Care

Edited by Mike Saks

This original collection analyses the global experience of health care support workers (HSWs) and examines their interface with the health professions, regulatory practice risks, employment challenges and the dilemmas of an ageing population. Crucial future policy recommendations are also made for a world becoming increasingly dependent on HSWs.

Policy Press

Support for living?

The impact of the Supporting People programme on housing and support for adults with learning disabilities

This report provides a critical analysis of the impact the Supporting People programme has had on housing and support for people with learning disabilities. It explores not only outcomes for service users, but also the implications of these for provider organisations and commissioners of social care. A free pdf version is available at jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Support and Protection Across the Lifecourse

A Practical Approach for Social Workers

Drawing on the authors’ extensive experience as educators, this book puts forward a new model of social work practice that both supports and protects service users across the lifecourse.

Policy Press