Policy Press


Showing 61-72 of 544 items.

Activists in the Data Stream

The Practices of Daily Grassroots Politics in Southern Europe

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-ND licence

This book pulls back the curtain on the link between technology and activism, showing shows how activists navigate the impact of digital media on today’s grassroots politics.

Bristol Uni Press

Street-Level Bureaucracy in Weak State Institutions

In this book, street-level bureaucracy scholars from South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America analyse the conditions that shape frontline work and citizens´ everyday experience of the state.

Policy Press

Understanding and Improving Public Management Reforms

Why do top-down reforms to public services so often over-promise and under-deliver? Using five concepts from psychology, economics and organisational sociology and diverse examples of successes and failures, Thomas Elston addresses this pressing question of good governance.

Policy Press

Modern Slavery in Global Context

Human Rights, Law, and Society

This collection brings together academics from a range of disciplines to examine modern slavery. Providing a platform to critique the legal, ideological and political responses to the issue, experts interrogate the construct of modern slavery and the anti-trafficking discourse which have dominated contemporary responses to exploitation.

Bristol Uni Press

Strategic Management of the Transition to Public Sector Co-Creation

First published as a special issue of Policy & Politics journal, this book lays out important stepping-stones for the development of new research into the ongoing transition to co-creation as a mode of governance.

Policy Press

The Enlightened Social Worker

An Introduction to Rights-Focused Practice

This text offers a new concept of Social Work that is an inspiring and practical vision of what Social Work is and should be, placing rights at the heart of practice, enabling students and workers to become more confident dealing with the uncomfortable realities of practice.

Policy Press

What Are the Olympics For?

While attention is on Olympic triumphs and tribulations, there is much that goes on behind the scenes that is deeply troubling. Boykoff tells us that radical steps are required if the Games are to be fixed and only then will they be truly ‘athletes first’.

Bristol Uni Press

Claiming and Contesting Representation in Mexico

Meanings, Practices and Settings

Through innovative conceptual work and original case studies, the book explores important trends in Mexican politics and governance through the lens of representation, including who speaks and stands for whom, on what grounds and in what domains and the challenges they face.

Bristol Uni Press

Who Needs Nurseries?

We Do!

The role that nurseries play in supplementing family care is an important subject – but in the UK, there is currently little consensus about what nurseries should provide, how they should be run, and who should pay for them. In this book, Helen Penn asks: is there a more considered way ahead?

Policy Press

Innovation in Social Care

New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms

Based on the findings of the Innovate Project, this book asks how services can be re-envisioned and transformed through innovation. The authors offer insights into the core conditions necessary for socially just and practice-congruent social care innovation that responds to the distinctive, contemporary safeguarding concerns facing young people.

Policy Press

Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Global Forces and Local Responses

Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC).

Bristol Uni Press

Assembling Comparison

Understanding Education Policy through Mobilities and Assemblage

This book combines assemblage theory and policy mobilities to inform the study of comparative and international education (CIE), focusing on education policy and how such policy moves are enacted.

Bristol Uni Press