Policy Press


Showing 49-60 of 548 items.

The Challenge of Controlling COVID-19

Public Health and Social Care Policy in England During the First Wave

This book analyses the political and long-term systemic factors associated with the failures to control COVID-19 in England. Exploring the role of key policy actors, it focuses on two policy failings during the first wave: the establishment of a ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’ system and responses to the high death rate in care homes for older people.

Policy Press

Challenging choices

Ideology, consumerism and policy

This lively and topical book provides a critique of choice in contemporary society and policy. Having choices empowers us, but constant extension of choice overwhelms us. In a concise and readable style, the author considers whether choice enhances or burdens our lives, and questions the blithe assumption that more choice is always for the better.

Policy Press

Challenging governance theory

From networks to hegemony

This topical book takes a critical look at contemporary governance theory, arguing that there are structural impediments to achieving an ideology of networks and reconsidering it from Marxist and Gramscian perspectives. 

Policy Press

Challenging The Third Sector

Global Prospects For Active Citizenship

Written by experts this important book explores the vital relationships between active citizenship, civil society and the third sector in different socio-political contexts. Drawing on a range of theory and empirical studies the book will be a useful resource for researchers and practitioners.

Policy Press


Radical Strategies for Social Movement Organising

Crafted for those who dare to challenge the status quo, this revolutionary guide asks crucial questions about organising and social movements in the 21st century. Drawing from frontline experiences of activists, it explores essential themes from leadership to the art of negotiation, empowering changemakers of today for a more just world.

Policy Press

Changing local governance, changing citizens

Mixing policy discussion and empirical work by leading researchers in the field, "Changing local governance, changing citizens" aims to explain what debates about local governance mean for local people.

Policy Press

The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity

Experts from around the world review the complex and rapidly changing politics and policies of austerity in this comprehensive collection of essays. The book details the many different means and expressions of austerity since the financial crisis of 2008, as well as backlashes and emerging political alternatives.

Policy Press

The changing role of local politics in Britain

The Local Government Act 2000 has transformed the way in which local politics operates. Local councillors have had to adjust to the introduction of elected mayors, cabinet government and scrutiny committees, and cope with a range of new initiatives. This book is a unique attempt to provide a coherent analysis of the impact of these changes.

Policy Press

Changing Scotland

Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

Changing Scotland uses longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey to improve our knowledge and understanding of the impact of devolution on the lives of people in Scotland. It is the first time that BHPS data has been used in this way.

Policy Press

Childhoods of the Global South

Children’s Rights and Resistance

Children in the Global South continue to be affected by social disadvantage in our unequal post-colonial world order. With a focus on working-class children in Latin America, this book explores the challenges of promoting children’s rights in a context of decolonization.

Policy Press

Children, Childhoods and Global Politics

Written by an international list of contributors, this book presents highly nuanced accounts of children and childhoods across global political time. The analysis demonstrates how international relations is quite deeply invested in a particular rendering of childhood as, primarily, a time of innocence, vulnerability and incapacity.

Bristol Uni Press

Children, Family and the State

A Critical Introduction

This book gives students a critical insight into how children and families' everyday lives and experiences are shaped by policy and legislation. Providing guidance on developing academic assignments throughout, it covers concepts such as the family within multicultural societies, poverty, social mobility and life-chances.

Policy Press