Policy Press

Just published

Showing 61-72 of 110 items.

Educational Collateral Damage

Disadvantaged Students, Exclusion and Social Justice

Drawing on student experiences and the perspectives of senior leaders, this book challenges orthodox thinking about school exclusion and advocates for a fairer education system for disadvantaged students.

Policy Press

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty

Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges

This book explores how the uncertainties of the 21st century present existential challenges to civil society. Presenting original empirical findings, it highlights transferable lessons that will inform policy and practice in today’s age of uncertainty.

Policy Press

The Origins of Social Care and Social Work

Creating a Global Future

Acknowledging the religious influences in social work’s roots, Mark Henrickson proposes that it need not be constrained by it. Addressing current debates in international social work about the relevance of different perspectives, this book will allow practitioners and scholars to create a global future of social work.

Policy Press

Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives

From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms

This bold new book offers an exhaustive diagnosis of global capitalism. Proposing a novel system of economic and political coordination based on a combination of market socialism and state planning, it offers crucial insights for thinking about alternatives to capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Politics of the Gift

Towards a Convivial Society

Drawing on French sociologist Marcel Mauss' influential theory of 'the gift', this book shows that trust is the only glue that holds societies together, and people are giving beings and they who can cooperate for the benefit of all when the logic of maximizing utility personal gain in capitalism is broken.

Bristol Uni Press

Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge

Reflections on Power and Possibility

The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve acute global disparities and injustices. This essential book provides an examination of the meanings of decolonisation and explores how this examination can inform teaching, researching, and practising of law.

Bristol Uni Press

Crime, Justice and COVID-19

This edited collection offers the first system-wide account of the impact of COVID-19 on crime and justice in England and Wales. Integrating first-hand narratives, it provides a critical discussion of the challenges faced by criminal justice agencies, together with policy and practice recommendations for future pandemic planning.

Policy Press

Analysing the History of British Social Welfare

Compassion, Coercion and Beyond

This book offers insights into the development of social welfare policies in Britain. By identifying continuities in welfare policy, practice and thought throughout history, it offers the potential for the development of new thinking, policy making and practice.

Policy Press

Refugee Youth

Migration, Justice and Urban Space

Telling the stories of young refugees in a range of international settings, this book explores how newcomers navigate urban spaces and negotiate multiple injustices in their everyday lives, giving voice to refugee youth from a wide variety of social backgrounds.

Bristol Uni Press

Managing Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Global Policies, Narratives and Practices

This book provides an accessible guide to the key elements of risk in policy making and shows how its use and misuse has shaped policy makers’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in a range of countries.

Policy Press

Digital Frontiers in Gender and Security

Bringing Critical Perspectives Online

Exploring the digital frontiers of feminist international relations, this book investigates how gender can be mainstreamed into discourse about technology and security.

Bristol Uni Press

Inhabitation in Nature

Houses, People and Practices

Rejecting the assumption that housing and cities are separate from nature, David Clapham advances a new research framework that integrates housing with the rest of the natural world. Demonstrating the impact of housing on the non-human environment, the book considers the future direction of inhabitation policies on climate change and biodiversity.

Policy Press