Policy Press


Showing 1-12 of 89 items.

Adult Social Care Law and Policy

Lessons from the Pandemic

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

The pandemic exposed weaknesses in adult social care, putting people who draw on services in more precarious positions. This book explores the impact of emergency laws and operational changes, providing solutions for improving laws and regulations going forwards.

Bristol Uni Press

Climate Litigation and Justice in Africa

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This volume brings together an international team of contributors to provide a much-needed examination of climate litigation in Africa. The book outlines how climate litigation in Africa is distinct as well as pinpointing where it connects with the global conversation.

Bristol Uni Press

Conceptualising Arbitrary Detention

Power, Punishment and Control

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

This book examines how governments misuse detention to abuse power, suppress dissent and maintain social hierarchies. Proposing solutions for future policy, this is a call for greater respect for the rule of law and human rights.

Bristol Uni Press

Feminism in Public Debt

A Human Rights Approach

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence digitally

This book explores the link between government debt and women's rights. Experts highlight how economic policies worsen gender inequalities and propose a feminist approach to debt issues. It is an essential resource for comprehending the intricate connection between economics and gender.

Bristol Uni Press

Children’s Voices, Family Disputes and Child-Inclusive Mediation

The Right to Be Heard

ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Considered from a children’s rights perspective, this book provides a critical socio-legal account of child-inclusive mediation (CIM) practice. It draws on interviews with relationship professionals, mediators, parents and children to consider the risks and benefits of CIM.

Bristol Uni Press

Low-Paid EU Migrant Workers

The House, The Street, The Town

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This unique research paints a vivid picture of migrant workers' experiences during the turbulent times of Brexit and COVID-19. It explores their legal struggles and sheds much-needed light on the crucial role of NGOs helping migrants navigate them.

Bristol Uni Press

Justice in a Time of Austerity

Stories From a System in Crisis

Dan Newman and Jon Robins combine investigative journalism and academic scholarship to examine how the lives of people suffering problems with benefits, debt, family, housing and immigration are made harder by cuts to the civil justice system.

Bristol Uni Press

What Is Counterterrorism For?

Focusing on the costs of counterterrorism, this book takes a global view to understand what is done in the name of our safety.

Bristol Uni Press

What Are Animal Rights For?

How should we treat animals? The field of animal rights raises pressing questions about how humans treat the other animals as livestock farming exerts an increasing toll on the planet, and we learn more about their capacity to think and experience pain. This book shows what the world might look like if animals had greater rights.

Bristol Uni Press

Policing the Pandemic

How Public Health Becomes Public Order

Written in the context of the #BlackLivesMatter protests, this book explores why law enforcement responses to a public health emergency are prioritised over welfare provision and what this tells us about the state’s criminal justice institutions.

Policy Press

Women, Precarious Work and Care

The Failure of Family-friendly Rights

Drawing on interviews with women in precarious work, this text explores the everyday problems they face balancing work and care responsibilities. This crucial book exposes the failures of family-friendly rights and explains how to grant these women effective rights in the wake of COVID-19.

Bristol Uni Press


Recognising Harms, Reforming Laws

Cyberflashing has been on the rise since the Covid-19 pandemic. This book provides new analysis into the harms of cyberflashing. This timely and unique study considers recent laws in several countries and sets out proposals to criminalise cyberflashing in English law.

Bristol Uni Press