Policy Press

HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases & Conditions / Alzheimer's & Dementia

Showing 1-5 of 5 items.

Care at Home for People Living with Dementia

Delaying Institutionalization, Sustaining Families

With dementia care shifting from institutional to home settings, this book considers the intersections of formal health and social care strategies and family experiences. Drawing on case studies from Canada, it enhances the understanding of good policy and practice in dementia care and the potential for better outcomes for all those concerned.

Policy Press

Dementia and Place

Practices, Experiences and Connections

Giving voice to the lived experiences of people with dementia across the globe, this text highlights the challenges presented as dementia care shifts to a community setting. Contributors address the social aspects of environment and, using a unique 'neighbourhood-centred’ perspective, provide an innovative guide for policy and practice.

Policy Press

Remote and Rural Dementia Care

Policy, Research and Practice

This is the first comprehensive review of dementia research, policy and practice in remote and rural settings. Drawing on case studies from the UK, Australia, Europe and North America, it sets out the unique needs of sufferers and carers in isolated locations, and identifies areas for future research and improvements in dementia services.

Policy Press

Dementia and Human Rights

Launching the dementia debate into new and exciting territory, this book applies a human rights lens to interrogate the lived experience and policy response to dementia.

Policy Press

Personhood, Identity and Care in Advanced Old Age

Pushing forward new sociological theory, this book explores the theoretical and practical issues raised by ageing, and the associated problems of mental and physical frailty in later life.

Policy Press